Editor’s Note: Recently, Liberty Nation received extraordinary documents from DiaboLeaks containing lectures straight out of hell. They provide unique insight into the inner workings and machinations of devils in infiltrating and corrupting the minds of humans. Each week, we will post a different Lecture from Hell. The demonic influence revealed is shocking. This short parody was inspired by the wonderful work of C.S. Lewis in his entertaining and enlightening epistolary novel, The Screwtape Letters, written in 1942.
My dear gentledevils,
We demons may be outnumbered by the Enemy’s angels, and the hordes of obedient human vermin and existence are rigged against us, but we will win eventually. How? By cunningly using the Enemy’s morality against Him and his pathetic followers.
Turn the Other Cheek
When the Enemy did that tacky stunt of coming to earth “in the flesh,” He entered a time where we had great success in promoting distrust and vengeance. We were able to capture generations in a vicious cycle of honor killings and retaliation. He then came and taught the vermin patience and tolerance.
“If someone strikes you on the cheek, turn to him the other also,” He said. He taught them to appeal to shame in the other person. I must say, as a visual communicator, the Enemy is quite brilliant. People only have two cheeks, and he was telling them to give people the benefit of the doubt and give the wrongdoers a second chance to comply with the Enemy’s morality. The Enemy babbles some nonsense about love, which we don’t quite understand, although we have our best and darkest minds working on it. We do, however, know that this behavior breaks our vicious cycles.
We have found that the most effective counterstrategy is to fool the Christians into clouding the meaning of this command. Convince them to turn their cheeks three, four, five times, and more! They will then either be destroyed by our patients or succumb to hatred and lust for vengeance. Either way, we win. In fact, you may find it immensely satisfying to watch your patients run out of patience! When they do, we can then use their own morality to condemn them as evildoers and terrorists. In this way, we can multiply our influence manifold. It pleases Our Father Below immensely.
By the way, pardon my dry humor. Consider that part of your punishment! Don’t worry; I am just kidding. We’ll have a Hell of a time!
Blame the Enemy
Paradoxically, we are at our strongest when the Enemy is most dominant. Consider a Christian culture. Even among the Christians, there are plenty of sinners who give in to our demonic ventriloquism.
We lure them into doing things that displease the Enemy and goes against his code. Yet, since they are nominally Christian, we can blame their behavior on the Enemy. Whenever a Christian leader starts an unjust war, we can influence our team to say that he did so because of his faith. Religion leads to violence!
You might be surprised how few people it takes. Even when 99% of the humans behave in accordance with the Enemy, we use the 1% we have turned to sully them all. If they try to do the same to us, we use their morality against them and call them bigoted, racist, misogynist, transphobic, or any other term that appeals to their conscience. It does not matter what the word is. Whatever works is fine.
You see, most humans cannot fathom that someone who appeals to their morality does not believe in that code themselves. We must never let them discover this trick because it is one of our most potent means of control. If we can keep them in the dark, the world will soon be ours!
Until next time,
Professor Thornside
Previous lectures by the (not-so) good professor, include: Demonic Ventriloquism, Truth Is a lie, Word Control Is Mind Control, A Happy Coincidence, Outshine the Enemy, Make Them Hate the Rainbow, The Art of a Devil’s Bargain, No Forgiveness and No Escape, Genie In A Crowd, Existence Is Violence, Divide And Conquer, Steal Their Nature, Season’s Greetings And Happy Holidays., The Power Of Socialism, Human Sacrifice, Beware The Innocent, Demonize Your Enemies, and Conspiracy Theories.
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