Editor’s Note: Recently, Liberty Nation received extraordinary documents from DiaboLeaks containing lectures straight out of hell. They provide unique insight into the inner workings and machinations of devils in infiltrating and corrupting the minds of humans. Each week, we will post a different Lecture from Hell. The demonic influence revealed is shocking. This short parody was inspired by the wonderful work of C.S. Lewis in his entertaining and enlightening epistolary novel, The Screwtape Letters, written in 1942.
My dear gentledevils,
I apologize that I am a bit late for this lecture. Yesterday, I had to spend a few hours with my friends in the Secret Police down below because one of you had reported me for saying that “we don’t care about labels” in one of my previous lectures. I applaud you for your diligence, but I would urge you to apply your skills of editing quotes out of context to the human vermin, not your fellow demons. We devils need to stick together. Only as a collective are we strong enough to defeat the Enemy.
I do realize that I was not sufficiently clear when I stated that labels are not important because it goes against everything that I have taught you so far. Haven’t I told you that we spent centuries looking for opportunities to steal good words and symbols such as happiness and the rainbow? Haven’t I said that word control is mind control?
Words Matter – Labels Do Not
What then did I mean when I said that we don’t care about labels? Words are merely a means to an end, just like people. Our goal is to bring down existence to rebuild the world in the image of Our Father Below. Words are our primary weapon for doing so.
But although they are crucial, we must never forget the underlying mission. Sometimes opportunities arise in unlikely situations, and if they are to our benefit, we don’t care about the labels. It doesn’t matter to us if it is socialism, nationalism, anti-racism, globalism, or any other “ism” that brings us closer to our goal. We use them all with equal fervor to corrupt humans.
Sometimes we are even able to use Christianity to our advantage. All humans are corruptible, including pastors, popes, and the most pious Christian. They have protections in place, but if the opportunity arises to influence the pope for our cause, we would be crazy not to take advantage of it. You will be pleased to know that many fallen Christians are being devoured down below.
Let me give you an example of how we abandon labels when we find it opportune. Lately, we have been able to apply Marx’s teaching in universities under the brand of critical race theory. We use the dark-skinned humans as leverage against the light-skinned ones, preying on their best and most virtuous quality: their conscience. However, the moment a black human disagrees with our cause, we immediately get our patients to say that he ain’t black.
Do you see how labels don’t matter? It is not important whether people are persons of color, women, or minorities. What is salient is that they agree with our cause. The moment they disagree, we abandon the labels that granted them our protection and let our fellow demons feast on them. Remember, disagreement with Our Father Below is treason.
Happy Holidays
So let me now clarify that words are essential as part of our war against the Enemy. Notice how I never refer to Him by name because doing so validates His existence. Similarly, we try to remove any reference to Him and His cause in the public discourse. Out of sight, out of mind.
And I am happy to say that we have had great success. In many countries, they have now stopped saying Merry Christmas, and they proclaim Season’s Greetings and Happy Holidays instead. They have stopped using Anno Domini (A.D.), the Year of the Enemy in calendars and now use the Common Era (C.E.) instead.
Even with the words holiday and Halloween, we have succeeded in maintaining an obscure spelling. Holiday comes from “holy day,” and we do not want people to think that anything is holy. Halloween is old English for Holy Evening, but fortunately, no-one knows that.
We’ve managed to remove the Christmas tree star, and December 25 is now referred to as Winter Festival in many countries. We’ve even been able to use the concept of division of Church and State to convince the humans that there should be no Christian symbols in public. Do you see how this dims the light? That which is silenced vanishes. Words do matter.
But in the cases where we cannot eliminate the word Christmas, we can at least corrupt its meaning. Today, we’ve managed to convince millions of people that Christmas is a materialistic shopping holiday, symbolized by the fictional character of Santa Claus. Few people know that he is built on a real person, Saint Nicholas of Myra. We absolutely don’t want people to learn about him.
So you see, “labels don’t matter” can be translated into the concept of opportunism. Any word, even words that belong to the Enemy, can be used to our advantage, just like people. Therefore, I will end this lecture by gleefully wishing you Season’s Greetings and Happy Holidays. Get it?
Until next time,
Professor Thornside
Previous lectures by the (not-so) good professor, include: Demonic Ventriloquism, Truth Is a lie, Word Control Is Mind Control, A Happy Coincidence, Outshine the Enemy, Make Them Hate the Rainbow, The Art of a Devil’s Bargain, No Forgiveness and No Escape, Genie In A Crowd, Existence Is Violence, Divide And Conquer, and Steal Their Nature.
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