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Progressives Treat Asians Like the 13th Floor

Are Asians the left’s 13th floor of minority classes?

In the era of social justice, one of the chief tenets of leftist orthodoxy has been that anyone who is not a straight white male is a victim. A black woman, a gay Hispanic man, a transgendered Muslim, or a biracial transspecies from Easter Island: You can claim victimhood status and blame others for your problems. For many years, Caucasian females were a protected class. Anyone who dared criticize them would face the consequences of being labeled a misogynist and a sexist and be blacklisted from civilized society. Today, because everyone with a lighter skin pigmentation is a white supremacist, these victims of yesteryear are now perpetrators of societal oppression of black and brown people.

Will White Women Race2Dinner?

Do you feel guilty for problems that you didn’t cause? Well, now you can atone for your sins by participating in a new progressive program called Race2Dinner. Started by racial activists Regina Jackson and Saira Rao, the purpose of this idea is “to sit down with you to candidly explain how you caused this pain and damage.”

But they admit that they are not going to change anything. Instead, they just want all white women to understand “the pain you have caused.” Even if you feel upset by their attempts to smash your white fragility, it does not matter because “we don’t care about your feelings.” Don’t you understand by now all “the violence you have caused Black and Brown women,” you fiend?

They hope that, after a friendly chit chat over a nice meal, you will be encouraged to look in the mirror and acknowledge that “you are an active participant in upholding white supremacy”:

“Our goal is to dig out the tumor called white privilege, power, control and reveal it for what it is, as an even more sinister and toxic form of RACISM. You are an integral part of this system. It is time for you to own that.”

So, dear white women, will you participate in Race2Dinner, buy someone a meal, and enjoy the privilege of being scorned, hounded, and blamed for problems you didn’t cause? If you don’t, then you are a fragile racist who cannot “bear witness to our pain.”

Where the Asian Women at?

What is revealing about this project, which accepts donations, is that it does not include Asian women. By default, isn’t someone from South Korea or Taiwan also a victim of white supremacy? But, ostensibly, the left does not consider Asians to be a protected minority class. If they do, they certainly keep quiet about it.

It is perfectly understandable why leftists would want to treat Asians like the 13th floor on an elevator. If they claim that the Chinese and the Japanese are tyrannized by the racist system, then they ignore the plethora of data that show how Asians are succeeding in such a bigoted nation, which contradicts the progressive supposition. On the other hand, if they concede that Asians don’t count, then they prove that they’re paranoid conspiracy theorists who see Klan members at the supermarket, at baseball games, and at used bookstores.

Liberty Nation recently reported that Asian men are the top income earners in the United States and that Asian women are earning as much as white men. In education, Asians graduate from university at a far higher rate than any other demographic. Other quick data points: About 10% of U.S. businesses are Asian-owned, Asians have the best savings rates, and they tend to work longer hours than their peers.

Suffice it to say, they are doing well in America. For viewers of the Counterfeit News Network and MSNPC, this is shocking stuff because apparently white supremacists are everywhere, giving secret okay hand gestures and drinking milk as part of coordinated efforts to conquer every non-Aryan race.

In a World…

Here is a question that needs answering: If white supremacy is really in the fabric of the nation’s DNA and every white person is complicit in this vile ideology, then why would anyone denounce it? If the entire country is immersed in hate, then nobody should worry about the reprisal of being a racist, correct?

In this imaginary world, organizations like Race2Dinner would not exist. The digital pitchforks would come out and burn down the web portal. If 72% of the population is out for the blood of black and brown people daily, then they would not be so open to meeting with white women. They would fear for their lives at every moment.

Another thing that leftists say is that the free market is another form of racism. Well, Race2Dinner is utilizing the market to solicit donations, get a free meal, or encourage white women to be on the receiving end of verbal assault. That doesn’t seem like such a racist structure, does it?

In fact, if there is one system that has helped minorities the most, it is capitalism.

White Supremacists Everywhere

No sane person really believes that the Ku Klux Klan has infiltrated every aspect of society. There are two main objectives for inciting hysteria over white supremacy. The first is that you can destroy the lives of people you disagree with by spouting this smear. The second is that you can justify your outlandish and immature behavior of violence, intimidation, and shrieking by claiming to the heavens that you’re on a crusade to rescue civilization from the grips of odious folk who sport red MAGA hats, pose with okay signs, and troll leftists with pepe memes.


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