Germany’s corrupt globalist rulers faced a public relations disaster in 2016 after the wave of refugees they had unleashed on their own population sparked a mushrooming crime wave. A police report at the time stated that migrants had committed or attempted 69,000 crimes in the first quarter of that year alone.
Just What She Needed
As the horrific consequences of the massive influx of foreigners into Germany stoked popular outrage against Chancellor Angela Merkel, her government hit upon an easy solution: Release glowing statistics about a plummeting crime rate in the nation. Thus, when President Trump pointed out ongoing German woes in 2018 due to the refugee crisis, Merkel was able to refer to official stats that supposedly showed the country had recorded its lowest crime rate in 26 years. [perfectpullquote align=”right” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=”24″]…the pillorying of Trump was allowed to stand.[/perfectpullquote]
“The interior minister presented the crime statistics a short while and they speak for themselves,” Merkel said, breezily dismissing all tribulation with a wave of her hand. Armed with this take, a biased media in both America and Germany proceeded to enthusiastically paint Trump as a reckless liar playing fast and loose with the facts in order to promote a hateful and xenophobic agenda.
The extremely convenient timing of Merkel’s sterling low crime rate, coming just two short years after a tsunami of illegal activity perpetrated by the migrant hordes she let loose onto her country, should have drawn immediate and serious skepticism from responsible reporters. But since so many of our journalists today are shamelessly unprofessional apparatchiks of the establishment elites, the pillorying of Trump was allowed to stand.
Systemic Deception
Fast forward to 2019: A German newspaper is citing police sources who reveal crime stats are intentionally fudged in order to not make refugees look bad.
“There is no lying, nothing hushed up, but things are deliberately left out,” a state police officer told reporter Dieter Wonka of the Hannoversche Allgemeine. “There are orders to use our latitude of interpretation to preserve civil peace.”
In other words, the reports are purposely skewed to play down migrant crime. In a video quickly deleted by YouTube, the website Prison Planet cites Wonka as saying that telltale terms such as “honor killing or sexual offenses” should be omitted from certain crime reports. If they do appear, higher-ranking officers will request a “review,” which Wonka states is a clear message to erase the material.
“This is a signal to alert the police officer who wrote the report to remove certain terms which are provocative and could have a negative influence on the statistics,” said Wonka, with the result being that “statistical accumulations are differently weighted and presented differently as what the clear insights in detail would reveal.”
It isn’t only in Germany that this dishonest policing is standard operating procedure when it comes to refugees. Swedish police are also under similar orders. The Spectator Australia, in 2016, quoted a Stockholm police chief as saying: “Sometimes we do not dare to say how things really are because we believe it will play into the hands of the Sweden Democrats.” That is the name of a leading anti-immigration political party in Sweden. The conclusion is unmistakable. The safety and protection of citizens in two prominent European nations takes a back seat to maintaining the outrageously bogus narrative that mass immigration from the Third World is a peaceful affair.
As in America, despicable media obfuscation plays a crucial role in helping to spin this malicious chicanery. Politico EU noted in a 2016 article how journalists are held in such low regard in Germany over their missing-in-action migrant crime coverage that the Nazi-era term “lugenpresse” – German for “lying press” – is making a comeback. Former Merkel government official Hans-Peter Friedrich told Politico that the media had formed a “cartel of silence” when it came to the issue.
“There’s suspicion that they believe they don’t have to report on such assaults, especially involving migrants and foreigners, for fear of unsettling the public,” Friedrich said.
Duplicitous and half-hearted policing bakes shady and unreliable government statistics, and a powerful complicit media is in place to run cover for the whole rotten affair. This is the formula for overthrowing a people. It is a plan of action that is in full throttle in Western Europe today. Even the most casual observer of what is going on in America right now surely must realize that this foul campaign has also been fully implemented here at home.