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Silence Tommy Robinson Shifts into High Gear after FB Ban Follows BBC Exposé

The man Britain’s press loves to hate, Tommy Robinson, has been permanently banned from both Facebook and Instagram. The tech giants quoted the breaking of policy rules, but it’s likely there are other, far more nefarious reasons for this digital takedown of a man that many today call a freedom fighter. Could it have more to do with a Robinson-produced exposé of the BBC that sealed the fate of this activist and citizen journalist?

Is it merely a coincidence that just two days after releasing a documentary that reveals the lies, bias, and elitism of the U.K.’s premiere broadcaster, Tommy has all his remaining public outlets shutdown? Or is there perhaps coordination between a supposedly impartial organization (the BBC), the government, and the social media giants?

What is the BBC?

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is Britain’s public broadcaster paid for via the TV License. This is £150 (about $200) paid by every household in the U.K. if they own a television, whether you choose to watch the BBC or not. As such, the broadcaster has a charter that states it must, at all times, be an impartial and unbiased news source.

Known as the “telly tax,” failure to pay for one’s own indoctrination can lead to substantial fines and even imprisonment. In 2016, 184,595 people were charged with non-payment; this number is not unusually high, and in fact, 10% of all U.K. court cases stem from people being unwilling or unable to pay the BBC. Thousands of people have been sent to prison, and hundreds of thousands now have a criminal record.

Tommy Takedown

The BBC’s flagship investigative journalism show is Panorama; it has been broadcast since 1953. When news got to Robinson that Panorama was planning on producing a show about him, informally called “The Tommy Takedown,” he decided to do some investigative journalism of his own.

According to Robinson, Panorama decided they would recruit the help of a far-left organization called Hope Not Hate to assist in their investigation. Hope Not Hate has taken money from George Soros and is considered an extremist group by the Swedish Defence Research Agency.


Tommy Robinson

With the assistance of loyal allies, Robinson set about secretly recording the producers and creators of the BBC hit piece. Tommy’s team made their own exposé, PanoDrama, which premiered outside the BBC’s northern headquarters in Manchester and attended by an estimated 10,000 supporters.

What the makeshift documentary revealed was truly disturbing.

Secret recordings apparently show the BBC presenter offering to twist an innocuous argument into “a sex thing” in order to paint Robinson as a dangerous sex offender. There are also allegations in Robinson’s program that suggest one of his associates was sexually abused by a member of the “investigative team.”

But perhaps worst of all for the British public, was the revealing of the nation’s public broadcaster as an elitist outfit that views the working class as so out of place that they are akin to “cannibals” in the Amazon. Are we witnessing a Brit form of the famed Basket of Deplorables?

Public Interest?

In the days since Robinson broadcast his documentary exposing the machinations of the BBC, very little coverage has been given to the content. While many papers reported that he had shown a film disparaging the BBC, more attention was given to Tommy’s colorful past. While it is not expected that the BBC would revel in their own undoing, the fact that so many other supposedly independent news outlets steered clear is perhaps a tell-tale sign.

Alex Jones

Facebook in the U.K. is presently involved in working alongside local media sources in training the next generation of reporters. With a multi-million-dollar investment and cooperation from the government, there are a lot of fingers and many pies in which to put them. That Facebook would decide to ban Robinson from its two main platforms just days after he struck a heavy blow to a “media partner” seems somewhat suspicious.

When Grandstander-in-Chief, Alex Jones was cut off from most major media platforms within a 24-hour period, coordination was obvious. Here, with Tommy Robinson, the coordination is not quite so clear, but it is the same tyranny and the same silencing of dissenting voices that exemplify the elitist attitudes and crushing grip on power that mark a complicit leftist media as a true enemy of the people.


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