Entertainment industry heavyweight Rosie O’Donnell recently claimed that Russia ‘fixed’ the 2016 election for President Donald Trump. Like everyone else who believes this – or claims to believe it – she based the statement upon the idea that it was simply not possible for Trump to fairly win an election that everyone “knew for sure” he was going to lose.
O’Donnell’s thinking, for want of a better word, reflects upon the collective conviction of the left; that Trump’s victory was an affront to their hopes, their efforts, their dreams, and to their very faith in the destiny – nay, in the birthright – of their chosen champion. Therefore, it was simply not fair and they want a mulligan. In short, the defeat of Hillary Clinton was the mother of all triggerings.
It is certainly no great secret that few leftists have accepted the 2016 result. Even at this point, just three months shy of an entire two years since the votes were cast and counted, the left continues to conjure up reasons not to accept reality. They stubbornly grope around for any possible rationalization of their loss – any rationalization that doesn’t involve the American people going to the polls and choosing Trump over Clinton.
While this all seems somewhat comical, it is also a fascinating window into the very soul of progressivism. Faced with the choice between using the mechanism of democratic politics to defeat their opponent and throwing a national tantrum – rejecting the outcome of a democratic election – they choose the latter. Thus, they place a higher value on their own feelings than they do on the political process.
The Thoughts of Chairman Rosie
Ridiculous Rosie O’Donnell was never a comedian but is known to have played one on T.V. She has no discernable acting talent but has been described as an “actress.” Since Trump’s election, she has been imbued, by some, with a degree of political authority – so much so that CNN’s Chris Cuomo thought it worth his while to endure her tortured, philosophical buffoonery in a televised interview.
“We’ve got just a couple months ‘till November,” O’Donnell told her host, “and, ‘till then, we have to fight with everything we got because if, somehow, they’re able to rig the elections, again, as I believe they did in 2016, then, er, we’re gonna all be in trouble as democracy dies right here on our watch.”
Cuomo affected a stoic, thousand-yard stare throughout the interview and it seemed likely that among the thoughts going through his head were “I do believe I can actually feel the stupid washing over me,” “dear God, this woman perfectly demonstrates why we keep losing,” and “I work at the same network as Don Lemon. I’m a failure in life.”
Though she spoke of her hopes that the American voters would banish Trump in the next general election, O’Donnell all but demanded the Democrats impeach him, should they win control of Congress. She cited “high crimes and misdemeanors” and “treason” as justification but declined to describe any specific examples. Once again, then, she stayed true to the leftist world-view; that specific facts are simply not as relevant as how she feels about the president.
Her host pressed her on the subject, offering up a hypothetical scenario in which impeachment efforts serve only to hurt the nation. “So everybody calls out [for impeachment],” he suggested, “you don’t have the votes; it doesn’t happen; you galvanize support for the president and we are torn…more…apart in this country. Are you worried about that outcome?” Cudos to Cuomo for raising such a very realistic possibility. O’Donnell’s response was, yet again, typical progressive disregard for the health of the nation. “No, I am not…” she responded, before returning immediately to her hopes for a Democratic win in 2020.
“I believe that Trump is loathed in America – that people are embarrassed and ashamed of who he is and that, come election day, we’re going to stand up at the polls and let him know…and unless he goes in and has the Russians kind of fix it like he did last time, in 2016, you know, we’re gonna see him gone…”
Democracy Schmemocracy
Whether Rosie O’Donnell really believes the President cheated to win the election is another story. If she does truly believe it, however – and if others on the left believe it – could one really blame them, considering how self-absorbed and conditioned to acting upon feelings, rather than facts, they are? Consider this: Trump had almost the entire establishment media working against him; he had elements within the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation working against him; he had the not inconsiderable power of the Clinton political machine against him and he had the larger Democratic Party – and even some Republicans – working against him. And yet, still, he won.
For sure, one could counter that Trump had 63 million Americans who believed in him or, at least, who refused to accept the possibility of a President Hillary Clinton. From a leftist point of view, however, it is simply ridiculous to think that the votes of those Americans could overcome the collective will of the left.
Rosie O’Donnell and her ilk are simply unable to respect the will of voters who will not vote for their candidate. Though they constantly proclaim their respect for it, leftists consider democracy a quaint and inefficient concept; highly susceptible to human error; whether it be the voters who refuse to do their bidding or their own failure to successfully rig an election, it is human error and it is just not fair.