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Liberty Nation: Websites of the Week

Liberty Nation: Websites of the Week

Each week, Liberty Nation will feature a few sites that you should be reading. These sites will span the entire liberty spectrum, and whether you agree with all of them or not, they’re worth looking at — and bookmarking to read again later. We also encourage you to leave us the sites you’re reading, down in the comments. After all, liberty is for thinkers.

You Are Under Surveillance: Wikileaks Exposes the CIA

You Are Under Surveillance: Wikileaks Exposes the CIA

It turns out that complete government cyber surveillance isn’t a science fiction movie plot after all. Now it’s a verifiable fact, and people like former CIA agent Bill Binney are somewhere between screaming “I told you so!” and feeling the weight of this horrifying reality sink down deep onto their shoulders. YOU, Mr. and Ms. American, are under surveillance — even in your home.