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Obama, Trump, Russia & The Wiretap

The plot thickens with explosive accusations made this weekend by President Donald Trump that former President Obama tried to wiretap Trump Tower in New York City just prior to the election. In a series of tweets, the president expressed his outrage on Twitter:

Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my “wires tapped” in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!

Is it legal for a sitting President to be “wire tapping” a race for president prior to an election? Turned down by court earlier. A NEW LOW!

I’d bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!

How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!

It was unclear from the tweets whether Trump received this information from Intelligence sources or elsewhere. As Trump’s tweets were vague regarding his source, it does suggest his informant may have been some sort of intelligence official who could not be named. The Washington Post however attributed a Breitbart news story as the likely source.

Meanwhile, The Daily Caller reports:

Obama administration aides also spread classified intelligence related to possible Trump campaign contact with Russia around the government, The NYT reported Wednesday. The effort centered on leaving a trail of alleged evidence for government investigators to follow.

In nothing short of a tome, The New York Times report weaves a rather obtuse and winding tale of Obama’s “concern” over the Trump/Russian connection as a motive for his actions. The Times has consistently reported that there were conversations and such between the Trump campaign and Russian officials. But their reports always center around unnamed and anonymous officials.

Apparently, what’s good for the goose is not also good for the gander as a weekend edition of The Washington Post makes an effort to discredit Trump’s tweets with the following headline: “Trump, citing no evidence, accuses Obama of ‘Nixon/Watergate’ plot to wiretap Trump Tower.”

Earlier this week, Liberty Nation reported on an article published in the progressive publication The Nation that called the Trump Campaign/Russian connection a “witch hunt.” Professor Emeritus of Russian Studies and Politics at New York University and Princeton Stephen F. Cohen wrote:

Begun by the Clinton campaign in mid-2016, and exemplified now by New York Times columnists (who write of a “Trump-Putin regime” in Washington), strident MSNBC hosts, and unbalanced CNN commentators, the practice [of unverified allegations] is growing into a latter-day McCarthyite hysteria. Such politically malignant practices should be deplored wherever they appear, whether on the part of conservatives, liberals, or progressives.

This whole Trump-Russia narrative advanced unrelentingly by the left begs the question of just how much U.S. citizens truly care about all these accusations and allegations since the November election is essentially in the rear-view mirror. Although it’s likely the results of any poll on the matter would be split evenly along partisan lines, it’s entirely possible that even some Democrats have moved on by this point and want the President to get down to the business of governing.

What’s obvious is that this story is not going away anytime soon.

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Leesa K. Donner

Executive Editor

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