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SAY WHAT? Biden Masks the Nation, and the Laptop

How long will the declared winner of Election 2020 force Americans to don masks or sidestep the awful truth about his son?

Editor’s Note: Say What? is the segment of Liberty Nation Radio where we unveil some of the most wacky, astonishing, and damnable things uttered by politicians and the chattering class.

Tim Donner: So now we get news of an investigation — after the election, after tens of millions of people were kept in the dark by the FBI and, most of all, the elite media, which refused during the election campaign to cover the story of the Hunter Biden laptop with prima facie evidence of influence peddling with Chinese firms tied to the communist government, plus Ukraine, and likely elsewhere, when Joe Biden was serving as vice president and getting a cut on every deal. But now, just as the Electoral College gets set to certify Biden as president, we suddenly hear about this story from the Democrats’ willing supplicants throughout the mainstream media. As Jason Riley of The Wall Street Journal observed, Trump voters should be raging mad.

Jason Riley: Of course, there were a lot of news organizations that didn’t want to look at any of this prior to the election. They thought it might help Donald Trump, so they avoided the story. I can understand Trump’s supporters looking at this and being infuriated by it. We do know that there’s a very clear double standard here when it comes to looking at these matters. We don’t know if it would have affected the election, but I can understand why a lot of Trump’s supporters right now are furious that this is only being looked into at this point.

Hunter and Joe Biden

Hunter and Joe Biden

Tim: Our friend Brent Bozell at the Media Research Center did a far-reaching poll of voters in the seven key battleground states after the election, asking them if they knew about the Hunter Biden laptop story. And a full 45% of people who pulled the lever for Biden said they knew nothing about it. And enough of them, almost 10%, said if they did know, they would not have voted for Biden. And that would have handed the election to Trump with over 300 electoral votes. We can now put to final rest any more talk of a free press. The media have poisoned the privileges granted them in the First Amendment, transforming journalism into pure advocacy by what they report, but just as, or even more importantly, in the Hunter Biden scandal, what they refuse to report.

Joe Biden has posted the Office of the President-Elect sign behind him for about four weeks now, but, barring a last-minute miracle, it will become official. And there appears to be no end to the stumbles and bumbles of the prospective new president. He introduced his health team, only he couldn’t even come close to pronouncing the name of the man he was naming as head of the Department of Health and Human Services.

Joe Biden: I nominated Xavier Becerra (pronounces it Bock-aria). You know, Javier Becerra (pronounces it properly, Besherra), excuse me. He currently is the attorney general of California, leading the second largest justice department in America, only behind the United States Department of Justice.

Tim: Xavier Becerra — or was it Bock-aria? — will now be in charge of the nation’s health, even though he was in a law enforcement position as attorney general of California, the same position held by prospective vice president Kamala Harris. And he is every bit as progressive as Kamala. Meanwhile, Biden promised to make good on his signature campaign promise to enforce a national mask mandate.

Joe Biden: It will start with my signing an order on day one to require masks where I can under the law, like federal buildings, interstate travel, on planes, trains, and buses. We’re going to require masks wherever possible. Wear a mask for just 100 days. It’s the easiest thing you can do to reduce COVID cases, hospitalizations, and death.

Tim: But while Biden focuses on the masking of America between now and when the vaccine has penetrated the bulk of the country, there are millions still out of work because of the pandemic. A new bill to provide relief was debated during the election season, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) kept stalling. And in a press briefing this week, she almost took the breath away by saying that she can do a bill now because Biden won the election.

Reporter: What has shifted now where they’re on board with this piece that’s come out of the Senate?

Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi: Perhaps you missed what I said earlier. Joe Biden is committed to ending and crushing the virus. What was then before was not more of this. This has simplicity. It’s what we’ve had in our bills. It’s for a shorter period of time. But that’s okay now because we have a new president.

Tim: Anything, anything not to give Trump a win, including a stall on helping the millions desperate for relief from the pandemic through no fault of their own. It has to be one of the most craven moves by a politician in a long time. And in the times we’re in, that’s saying something.

But if President Trump does get the expected bad news from the Electoral College, no one will be able to say he went down without a fight — backed up by hundreds of affidavits and lawsuits with compelling evidence of fraud and massive irregularities in multiple battleground states. And in a prepared address, the president laid it all down.

President Trump: We used to have what was called Election Day. Now, we have election days, weeks, and months, and lots of bad things happened during this ridiculous period of time. Especially when you have to prove almost nothing to exercise our greatest privilege, the right to vote. As president, I have no higher duty than to defend the laws and the Constitution of the United States. That is why I am determined to protect our election system, which is now under coordinated assault and siege. For months leading up to the presidential election, we were warned that we should not declare a premature victory. We were told repeatedly that it would take weeks, if not months, to determine the winner, to count the absentee ballots, and to verify the results. My opponent was told to stay away from the election. Don’t campaign. We don’t need you. We’ve got it. This election is done. In fact, they were acting like they already knew what the outcome was going to be.

Tim: Is he just saying that because he won’t accept the legitimate outcome? Well, in analyzing the election, pollster Patrick Basham said the reported result defied all explanation based on multiple unshakable metrics, all of which favored Trump.

Patrick Basham: Party registration trends, how the candidates did in their respective presidential primaries, the number of individual donations, how much enthusiasm each candidate generated in the opinion polls — there are a dozen or more of these metrics. Now, these metrics have a 100% accuracy rate in terms of predicting the winner of the presidential election. So if we are to accept that Biden won against the trend of all these non-polling metrics, it not only means that one of these metrics was inaccurate this time for the first time ever. It means that each one of these metrics was wrong for the first time, and at the same time as all of the others. It is not statistically impossible, but it’s statistically implausible.

Tim: That is about the best explanation yet of why some 80% of Trump voters do not, and likely never will, accept the reported result of election 2020.

But, of course, Democrats are claiming Trump is staging nothing less than a coup d’etat, according to the grizzled leftist Representative James Clyburn (D-SC):

James Clyburn: This is an attempt to overthrow our government. You may not call it a coup, but this is an attempted coup. Now, some people said, he’s trying to steal the election. He’s not trying to steal the election. That denotes some kind of unknown activity, when you’re stealing. No, that’s not what he’s doing. He is in your face trying to overthrow the will of the people.

Tim: Now, Clyburn and his colleagues are all in on Georgia, trying to win the two run-off Senate races there. They need to win both those seats to effect a virtual Democrat majority in the Senate. The GOP needs to win one to hold their majority. And we’ll leave you with the man who may have surpassed Donald Trump as the most entertaining politician in Washington, Senator John Kennedy (R-LA):

John Kennedy: Unless you have the IQ of a root vegetable, you know how important this election is … Do you really want to be governed by Neo-socialists? So my message to the good people of Georgia, take the time and make the effort to go vote. Look at it this way. If dead people can do it, so can you.

Tim: Indeed, we now know that thousands of dead people did vote in the 2020 election. I’ve got one question: How did these dead people actually mark their ballots?


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