Strzok’s testimony left more questions than answers.
Results for "Strzok"
Mueller, Trump, Strzok and Net Neutrality Too
The latest Talkin’ Liberty – we discuss the update in Mueller’s team Hillary, as well the Net Neutrality vote by the FCC.
FBI Fixed Massively Underreported Crime Stats – And Told Nobody
The FBI recently updated its 2022 violent crime stats, addressing what turned out to be a massive underreporting...
Hillary Lied, Democracy Died: The Durham Report
Special Counsel John Durham on May 15 released his final report on Crossfire Hurricane. Its conclusions are...
How the Tables Turn: House to Probe Weaponization of Gov’t
Quis custodiet Ipsos custodes? The oft-quoted line – “Who will guard the guards themselves?” in English – was...
The Left’s Obsession With Donald Trump
As we've been told over and over, Joe Biden won the 2020 election – so why in the world are those on the left...
MAGA Republicans Rhetoric Digs Biden into a Deeper Hole
Joe Biden’s September 1 address to supporters in Philadelphia was quite remarkable, though not in a positive way....
Sextortion Criminals Target Minors
We've seen an abundance of cyber extortion cases over the last few years. Hackers steal and threaten to release...
Trump Sues Hillary – Are Durham’s Latest Filings the Impetus?
Donald Trump is suing Hillary Clinton and a slew of other Democrats for their attempts to pin the imaginary crime...