Eerily reminiscent of J. Edgar Hoover’s years as director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, agents raided the homes of Colorado’s Mesa County Clerk and Recorder Tina Peters and Sherronna Bishop, the former campaign manager of Representative Lauren Boebert (R-CO) on Nov. 16. This is what happens, apparently, if one questions the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. Coming on the heels of the Project Veritas raid Nov. 6 and that of the office of former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani on April 28, it appears the FBI has a conservative hit list. And it’s making a lot of people anxious.
Sensing a Lack of Confidence
For the past several years, the lack of transparency of the nation’s top law enforcement group has been notable, and questions have been raised on the politicization of a federal agency. Disgraced Director Jim Comey and G-man lovebirds Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, who plotted to get rid of a sitting president, come to mind as exemplars in the overreach and spying and information-collecting era, a process fondly known as “McCarthyism.” The lack of confidence in the top cop shop has become so common that Michael Horowitz, DOJ Inspector General, penned a report, advising:
“The Department faces a challenge in addressing public perception about its objectivity and insulation from political influence. The Department’s efficacy as the guardian of the rule of law depends on maintaining the public trust in its integrity, impartiality, and ability to effectively administer justice.”
That report came out within hours of the predictable pre-dawn raid-time the feds tend to employ. Internally, they know they have a serious problem. Externally, it looks like a coordinated effort to terrorize people the current administration disagrees with on a few key issues: election integrity and allowing people to have dirt on the opposition currently at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Bishop was dragged out of bed at 6 a.m., handcuffed for three hours while the FBI ransacked the house, “manhandling” her 18-year-old daughter and not being specific about what they were attempting to find. In the end, they took her phone and personal computer.
Again, This Sounds All Too Familiar
It wasn’t that long ago that James O’Keefe, founder of Project Veritas, also was awakened at 6 a.m. by the FBI – who claimed they were looking for the diary of Ashley Biden, she being the president’s daughter. In his words, O’Keefe relayed his harrowing account with the early-bird agents:
“I woke up to a pre-dawn raid. Banging on my door, I went to my door to answer the door, and there were ten FBI agents with a battering ram, white blinding lights, they turned me around, handcuffed me, and threw me against the hallway. I was partially clothed in front of my neighbors. They confiscated my phone. They raided my apartment. On my phone were many of my reporters’ notes. A lot of my sources unrelated to this story and a lot of confidential donor information to our news organization.”
A thinking person might ask in what realm does the Justice Department investigate the possible theft of a diary? Maybe the Secret Service could add that responsibility to their purview. And what about O’Keefe’s First Amendment rights as a journalist? Who knows who the FBI is coming for next, but beware if your name is on the Project Veritas donor list.

Rudy Guiliani
And then there’s America’s mayor, Rudy Guiliani, another recipient of a pre-dawn heavily armed agent visit. His attorney explained in brief: “The electronics taken are, also, replete with the material covered by the attorney-client privilege and other constitutional privileges. The warrant served on Mr. Giuliani’s law office is another disturbing example of complete disregard for the attorney-client privilege protected by the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution.”
Well, that’s two constitutional amendments in question of being rudely, seemingly unwarrantedly, violated. Will they go for a trifecta?
Not Every Leftist Likes This Strategy
The American Civil Liberties Union, several reporters, and members of the judicial system are spooked by the actions of the DOJ – and they should be. And since U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland decided to list disgruntled parents in local school districts as potential domestic terrorists, everyone should be afraid. That gives the feds the right to crawl into every orifice of the private American citizen with the federal government’s weight, budget, and gadgetry.
As O’Keefe said, “If they can do it to this journalist and raid my home and take my reporter notes, they’ll do it to any journalist. This is about something very fundamental in this country. I don’t know which direction this country is going in. If they can do it to me, they’ll do it to anybody.”
~ Read more from Sarah Cowgill.