Hillary Clinton’s recent comments about women while visiting India would be funny were they not so damned offensive. During her little foray in Mumbai, India on The Hillary Loser Tour as written about so powerfully by my dear husband for Liberty Nation, Mrs. Clinton couldn’t stop herself from consigning her loss of the presidency to “white married women.”
This must be Mrs. Clinton’s reason number 15 — or is it 50 — for her defeat to Donald Trump. Still, she continues looking for answers in all the wrong places. This time her thrashing by DJT came from married, white women as “a sort of ongoing pressure to vote the way that your husband, your boss, your son, whoever believes you should.”
Point in fact: No other woman in contemporary times has set back the cause of the American woman like Mrs. Clinton. It started with “standing by her man” when any red-blooded female with a modicum of self-respect would have not taken such a public beating and now comes full-circle with a collective calling out of the rest of us for – well – simply not liking her enough to vote for her. Thus, she merits this brief woman-to-woman communiqué:
Dear Hillary:
I am a white married woman. And here’s a shocker for you: My husband does not tell me how to vote! I realize this is neoteric news to you so allow me to extrapolate on what seems to be an incomprehensible concept for you.
Women in America have minds of their own and are quite capable of determining for whom they wish to see as their Commander-in-Chief. If anything, women are more proficient than men at being able to persuade men rather than being influenced by them. That amusing line in “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” comes to mind where the mother has a little heart to heart with her daughter: “Let me tell you something, Toula. The man is the head, but the woman is the neck. And she can turn the head any way she wants.”
This is not to say that white, married men can’t think for themselves. But they certainly hear (or at the very least) must listen to their wives – if for no other reason than they live in the same house and, in most cases, — maybe not yours — talk to one another.
Two years ago on American Thinker I penned the following and like it or not, Mrs. Clinton everything I have written here, still stands. So here is a partial reprise for you in case you missed it the first time:
Here are a few simple, cogent reasons why women in this country voted for Donald Trump and not for the reigning Queen of Chappaqua:
#1: Women got past themselves and considered their children. They recognized that the future of their children and grandchildren would not be pretty after four more years of the Obama-Clinton timeline continuum.
#2: It’s the economy, stupid. Any woman who has had to make payroll or sign the front of a check (instead of just the back) knows they can’t keep hanging on by a thread financially. And they are oh so tired of Obamacare premiums that have soared past their mortgage payments.
#3: Alert the media: women are not a group. American women are not a group but rather fiercely independent individuals. Whether you are slinging hash at a local greasy spoon in the Rust Belt (and I’ve been there) or working as a CPA in your own business, women have individual needs, wants, desires. And for heaven’s sake, white women don’t vote based on race. They don’t think of themselves as European-Americans of the female gender.
The greatest explanation for women who voted Trump is that they refused to be told by their betters what to do. Shocking as it may sound to you Mrs. Clinton — women can think for themselves. So I’m here to inform you that white women weren’t beaten and dragged by their hair to the polls by their husbands — they didn’t sell out their country, nor did they vote in a racial group as a “whitelash.” Actually, the married, white Trump female voter didn’t sell anyone out. They voted for who they wanted to be the next president of the United States. Just like men.
Leesa K. Donner