CNN would rather go to war with Trump than own their mistake.
The 24-Hour News Cycle: Junk Food for the American Mind
The news has become bad for the brain.
A Poor Idea: Coordinated Nationwide Editorials Against Trump
Media is “enemy of the people” fight is not working out so well for news outlets.
Trump Jr.’s Opposition Research – Truth TV – WATCH NOW
Join Liberty Nation’s Leesa K. Donner as she discusses the idiocy of the media going after Donald Jr. as if any of it was breaking news.
LNTV Fake News Roundtable – WATCH NOW
Join Liberty Nation’s Tim Donner, Graham J. Noble, Mark Angelides and Joe Shaeffer as they dive in to the controversy over fake news, including Trump’s comment that the media is the enemy of the people.
Trump and Media Frenemy War Heats Up
Trump vs the media: what’s the next move?
Shadow Banning – Alive and Well
Shadow banning is not just a myth.
Avi Yemini from the Australian Liberty Alliance Speaks at Pro-Trump Rally in London – WATCH NOW
Watch Avi Yemini from the Australian Liberty Alliance as he gives a speech in London during a pro-Trump rally encouraging Europe should to together.
The Great Leftist Cover Up – The Truth on Immigration – WATCH NOW
Join Liberty Nation’s Leesa K. Donner as she digs deep and exposes the truth about immigration and what the left media doesn’t want you to know.