It may have been General Michael Flynn who first coined the term "digital soldiers," back in the early days of...
Trump Faces the Fallout of Capitol Protest
President Trump invited his supporters across the nation to attend a Washington, D.C. protest to show the...
The Uprising Podcast: Alec Baldwin for President
Hillary changed her name to Hilaria, and the Boston white girl became the exotic Spaniard.
Jon Ossoff: Dirty Dancing with the Klan
Democrat Senate candidate Jon Ossoff is pulling out all the stops with wild accusations that even CNN reports as...
Sparks of Liberty on the 2021 Horizon
The world reels like a drunken sailor as it careens into 2021. Americans still suffer under the pandemic...
Five Biggest Political Scandals of 2020
Fait accompli -- “a thing that has already happened or been decided before those affected hear about it, leaving...
TheTwitterZone: Legacy Media Carry Poisoned Water for Social Media
Each week Liberty Nation straps on its Personal Protective Equipment and dives into the TwitterZone to bring you...
The British Strain? Oh, You Racists!
Remember the “Chinese virus” outrage – when President Trump accurately pointed out the virus’ country of origin?...
Chris Christie as GOP Superhero? C’mon, Man
We have a late entry in the Worst Political Take of the Year Derby: labeling careerist Chris Christie as the...