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Associated Press Author Rejects Neutral Reporting

Evidentially, balance is no longer necessary – how convenient.

An Associated Press editor who wrote a highly ridiculed defense of drag queen story hour for children is a member of AP’s official stylebook team. Jeff McMillan also sits on the board of directors for an LGBTQ journalists’ group that has issued its own rather unique style guide.

“When covering controversial or sensitive issues, it’s standard journalism practice to seek out opposing views to provide ‘balance’ to a story,” a style heading labeled “balance” reads. “However, there are times when ‘balance’ doesn’t further understanding of the issues or the story.”

This style guide is produced by NLGJA: The Association of LGBTQ Journalists. The organization touts itself as “a journalist-led association working within the news media to advance fair and accurate coverage of LGBTQ communities and issues.”

As its handbook reveals, “fair and accurate coverage” does not require taking a neutral stance on controversial topics that fall under this agenda. When it comes to drag queen story hour, the AP agrees.

Associated Press Explains It for You

McMillan penned a ludicrous Oct. 29 article vigorously defending the widely criticized drag performances. It is more interesting for what it says about the state of big-box journalism today than for its content.

McMillan’s piece was entirely opinion, yet AP labeled it an “Explainer.” That title echoes another tedious exercise in bias lamely disguised as professionalism popular within the dominant media establishment today, the “fact check.”

The term also perfectly captures the sheer arrogance of a media corps that has gotten so used to talking down to the American people that it can’t even see the joke it has become. Tightly ensconced in its bubble, the Associated Press truly believes its job is to “explain” current events to readers too dumb to figure things out for themselves.

The fantasy is self-enabling. If you the reader happen to have a different view from the explanation, that only reinforces the pre-determined belief that you’re not smart (or hate-free) enough to reach the conclusion AP wants you to swallow.

Here is a sample of McMillan the Great Explainer:

“Is drag sexual? Many drag opponents cite nudity in their objections. Every performer makes different choices, but drag queens often wear more, not less, clothing than you’d see on a typical American woman of the 21st century, at a public beach or on network TV.

Their costumes tend toward extravagant, sometimes floor-length gowns. Drag queens may use false breasts, wear sheer costumes, and use makeup or other means to show cleavage and appear exaggeratedly feminine….

Drag story hours, in which performers read to children in libraries, bookstores or other venues, have become popular in recent years. The events use a captivating character to get their child’s attention – any parent whose kid can’t take their eyes off Elsa from Frozen gets the idea. The difference here is that the goal is to get kids interested in reading.”

Imagine how far gone one of the largest wire services in the world has to be to label such inanity as anything but opinion.

It’s About a Lot More Than Bias

The fact is, the Associated Press has not merely abandoned neutrality. Like so many other major news outlets, it has sold itself to well-heeled partisan organizations for money.

GettyImages-1241575566 drag queen story hour - Associated Press

(Photo by Erin Clark/The Boston Globe via Getty Images)

Did you know AP’s climate change coverage is funded by the Rockefeller Foundation?

On Dec. 1, 2021, the news service announced the hiring of Peter Prengaman as “climate and environmental editor.”

“Prengaman will build out a team of journalists around the world, and work with AP colleagues to build on AP’s strong climate and environmental coverage,” the AP report continued.

“Prengaman’s position is one of two funded by the Rockefeller Foundation as part of the launch of AP’s climate initiative, a partnership with philanthropic foundations to enhance global understanding of climate change and its impact.”

A search of the Rockefeller Foundation’s website reveals it provided AP with a $750,000 “grant” “in support of launching a climate coverage initiative.”

The globalist foundation is a rabid champion of the loaded climate change narrative.

“Climate change poses a singular threat to humanity, and to The Rockefeller Foundation’s 109-year mission of promoting its well-being throughout the world,” President Rajiv J. Shah wrote in July.

How exactly is AP supposed to report without bias on this controversial issue while stuffing three-quarters of a million Rockefeller dollars down its pockets?

The new journalism has its answer. Balance isn’t necessary anymore. Doesn’t that work out well for them?


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