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Flyover Folk Finally Get Their Durham Fix, Savage the Clintons

Much like the herpes virus, this family will only go away when you die.

Editor’s Note: From the Back Forty is Liberty Nation’s longest-running and most popular weekly column. Capturing the truth each week from heartlanders in flyover states, LN gives voice to the hard-working Americans otherwise ignored by the coastal elites.

Events of the past several days have left some good folks wondering if anyone even likes the Clinton family. First, Hillary’s pantsuit seems to be on fire, thanks to Special Counsel John Durham’s early reveal of the Trump-Russia hoax investigation. Then, former President Bill Clinton debuted the second season of his podcast, Why Am I Telling You This?  He claims it is because he wants to explain all those icky, complicated issues to the commoners. And, hoping someone will remember who the hell she even is, Chelsea wrote another book with lots of pictures.

The 800-Pound Gorilla Wears Sensible Shoes

The overwhelming majority of folks residing between the Rockies and the Mid-Atlantic always want the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. So, to say for the past – hmm – four-plus years that they have been sorely disappointed is a gross understatement. Until someone noticed that Special Counsel John Durham had let fly a slew of findings in the ongoing Trump-Russia hoax investigation.

In flyover speak, the baby (Mrs. Clinton) was thrown out with the bathwater this past week as chants of “lock her up” returned in earnest. Durham’s report claims a tech firm contracted to Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign spied on private servers housed in Trump Tower and later at the president’s Executive Office. Of course, Clinton reacted the way she always has, insisting the news is fake and it must be a right-wing conspiracy.

Flyover folks did not agree.

GettyImages-1267240470 Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton (Photo by DNCC via Getty Images)

Donna Cooper in Brunswick, GA, had an idea to share: “She is a true mob boss. She sets the dirty up and puts others to do her bidding. She is a danger to Democracy always has been and gotten away with it. It’s time to truly hold her and her cronies accountable.” And David Pimentel asked: “Didn’t she warn her campaign that if they lost in 2016, they’d all go to jail?”


The Affable Bill Back for Another Year

Mr. Bill Clinton is hard not to like on a personal level. He plays the saxophone, smokes weed but doesn’t inhale, and got Hillary out of the dating pool. And he’s back: entertaining and educating the folks who aren’t Rhodes Scholars. This is now the second year of his iHeart Radio podcast, featuring conversations with random, more interesting liberal people, explaining complex and complicated issues. Babs Ferrer on Facebook steamed: “So, the creep who served up a big heaping, steaming pile of misinformation (He ‘did not have sex with that woman’) is being given a podcast. He even shook his finger at the country as he said it. Okay, all you Rogan haters…have at it.” That’s an invitation to the post-game rumble.

Please Stop Persisting

Whether or not Chelsea Clinton was helping deflect the news away from her mother’s self-made legal troubles, she dropped a new goal for 2022: another book – that won’t be out until September but will have pictures. How that made the activist media’s headlines is beyond belief, but it did and it’s news – and heartlanders revelled in a new reason to heckle Clan Clinton.

In Dallas, Mike Grelles pondered: “Title might be — Things my Mother never taught me to do. ‘Tell the truth.’ ‘Never steal.’ ‘Never have anyone killed.’ The end!” But other middle Americans felt that “Nana goes to prison” was a much more satisfying title. Either way, flyover folks aren’t clamoring to be added to the pre-sale waiting list.

~ Read more from Sarah Cowgill.

Read More From Sarah Cowgill

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