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Sorry Lemon, Heartlanders Need No “Edumacation” to Re-elect Trump

Insulting the intelligence of not just every Trump voter but everyone with a southern accent to boot: Not the wisest choice.

by | Jan 31, 2020 | Columns, Opinion, Politics

Editor’s Note: While the media and other leftist elites ignore the millions of folks living in “flyover” states, they do so at their own peril; it was this silent majority that put President Trump in the White House. Each week, Liberty Nation gives voice to the hard-working heartlanders who are silent no more.

The Impeachment circus was in full swing this week as the Republicans finally picked up spearing gigs, donned rubber wading boots, and trekked into the Swamp: The toadies continued to croak about rules, what constitutes a fair trial, and whether or not new witnesses could be called to testify. But the news that fired up the Heartlanders came straight from CNN – “America’s most trusted news source” – and the rules of civility flew out the porthole.

On a recent episode of CNN Tonight, media personality Don Lemon and two other legacy half-wits – Republican strategist Rick Wilson, and Wajahat Ali – nearly collapsed into giggling hysterics at the expense of President Donald Trump’s massive base. It’s possible that Lemon believed nobody was watching, but why he allowed the panel of dateless wonders to go rogue and insult well over 63 million people we may never know – but it rankled MAGA folks and a whole bunch of others who now say they are voting red.

WAJAHAT ALI [Trump supporter impersonation]: You elitists with your geography and your maps and your spelling!

WILSON [Southern accent]: Your math and your reading!

ALI [Trump supporter impersonation]: Yeah, your reading, you know, your geography, knowing other countries, sipping your latte!

And the social media crowd went wild.

Missy Taylor Gray, a fine southern gal from Cheap Hill, TN, gave the good tv man a tongue lashing:

“All I can say to drunkard Lemon is to lay off the ‘sauce’ when on screen and bless your tiny cold pea-picking heart! And we would welcome him in the south with a big glass of diabeetus sweetened tea while having a discussion using big drawn out words your copy writers will have to explain to you. When you leave, we’re gonna talk about your mama and where she went wrong too. All the while, speaking in the sweetest voices you’ve ever heard. LOL”

Missy is my new favorite commenter. But she wasn’t alone ranting and raving. Oh, Hell no. Austin Hoffner from Findley, OH, barked, “Thanks for insulting us…Only makes us silent Republicans band together even stronger to stick it to ya once again in 2020. Proud deplorable here!”

It was unclear why insulting the massive not-silent-anymore-Republicans was a good idea for Lemon. Afterall, the “deplorable” label is now worn proudly from the Rockies to the Appalachians, and a few points east and west. Does anyone remember what calling the masses “deplorables” got the last also-ran? Yeah, nothing but an alleged Chardonnay problem and a book asking, What Happened.

But perhaps what Alabaman elementary teacher Jamie Rodriguez said was a good reason for Lemon to snap out of the revelry: “Ya’ll should know better – We all don’t need no grammar lessons or dikshoneries or edumacation when we all descend on the voting booth in November.”

Bus Stop Violence

Lemon must have seen the avalanche of disgust – or the CNN big wigs saw an additional rating drop – whatever the case, Lemon attempted to apologize:

“During an interview on Saturday night, one of my guests said something that made me laugh. And while in the moment, I found that joke humorous. And I didn’t catch everything that was said. Just to make this perfectly clear, I was laughing at the joke and not at any group of people.”

And under the bus they go! Wilson and Ali had to play patsy so that Lemon could save face, his job, or the seven viewers who continue to tune in – which angered the flyover folk even more.

Vicky Tohm in Minneapolis, MN somewhat called him useless: “Always blaming others! He is so pathetic. He has no clue on how to take responsibility for his own actions.” From Chicago, Sandy Manak Rohan went a bit further: “If you’re a real man, then man up and stop blaming everyone. Own it.”

Lemon laughed as his guests called Trump’s voters “boomer rubes.” Trump came to the defense of his people and called Lemon the “dumbest man on television.” And now the president is probably searching for the appropriate “thank you” card to send as t-shirts are on order for “Boomer Rube 2020.”


Read more from Sarah Cowgill.

Read More From Sarah Cowgill

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