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The Elites Will Love Themselves to the Death in 2020

Three amigos on CNN make a mockfest of Trump supporters.

by | Jan 29, 2020 | Articles, Opinion, Politics

A Lemon, a patsy, and a random dude walk into a bar. Seriously, they must have barreled into a low- hanging steel pipe as all appeared to suffer serious cranial injury.  As the “most trusted source in news” with the lowest ratings of any network or cable news program, CNN aired a threesome of legacy half-wits who believe that insulting the people who support President Donald Trump is a good idea.

Does anyone remember what calling the masses “deplorables” got the last also-ran? Yeah, nothing but an alleged Chardonnay problem and a book asking, What Happened.

Well, here’s what really happened when Don Lemon, Republican strategist Rick Wilson, and Wajahat Ali (I had to run an internet search to figure out who he is) got together one Saturday night to bash Trump supporters.

Where Is Ukraine?

It started when Secretary of State Mike Pompeo went on NPR to talk issues. In a heated exchange, Pompeo asked the reporter if she could find Ukraine on a map. Oh, Lordy, the outrage. Lemon and his other noticeably dateless friends on a Saturday night decided to run with a version of the story led along by Wilson – who is promoting a book no one will read but his mom and dad. How much uninspiring and untalented gray matter can CNN fit on the screen? All of it would be the answer.

According to the unholy trinity, Pompeo is a jerk, and Wilson took off on his own path mimicking an uncultured Southern drawl:

“Of course, of course. [Pompeo’s] just trying to demean her, and obviously, it’s false. And, look, he also knows, deep in his heart, that Donald Trump couldn’t find Ukraine on a map if you had the letter ‘U’ and a picture of an actual physical crane next to it.”

Hilarious – or so it must have been to the other yokels feeling superior while being viewed by nearly nobody.

Here’s the ensuing exchange if you missed it:

WAJAHAT ALI [Trump supporter impersonation]: You elitists with your geography and your maps and your spelling!

WILSON [Southern accent]: Your math and your reading!

ALI [Trump supporter impersonation]: Yeah, your reading, you know, your geography, knowing other countries, sipping your latte!

WILSON [Southern accent]: All those lines on the map!

ALI [Trump supporter impersonation]: Only them elitists know where Ukraine is! Sorry, I apologize.

LEMON [wiping tears, laughing]: Oh, my God!

ALI: But it was Rick’s fault. I blame Rick. But, in all honesty —

LEMON: Hold on — hold on — hold on. That was good, sorry. Rick, that was a good one — I needed that.

Oh, Don, you need a lot more than a good crying jag.

Glass Houses

GettyImages-1335506628 Don Lemon - Trump

Don Lemon (Photo by Jeff Kravitz/Getty Images for Live Nation)

Lemon works for CNN, which has issues not in finding Ukraine on the map so much as the U.S. state of Alabama. . He also has been credibly accused of sexual misconduct and professes Antifa is fighting against racists and fascists, explaining their methods of violence: “It says it right in the name: Antifa. Anti-fascism, which is what they were there (in Charlottesville) fighting.” This man must be talking to the 500 impressionable millennials who put their phones down to tune in – no one else buys his schtick.

And anyone in Republican operative circles knows what Wilson is about: attention and money. He just hasn’t crested with a winning RINO in his political rise to mediocrity. But he has a book out – of course, anyone writing anything that slams Trump can get a publishing contract. Just ask the Clintons, Obamas, and the like. Heck, he’s made Trump comments look quaint; he once asked Ann Coulter what she charges the president for a particular sexual act. He’s a peach.

Now, as Twitter and Facebook have exploded with the derisive comments the three amigos made about Middle and Southern Americans, each has whipped out the victim card, deflecting guilt onto Trump and his gun-grabbing, Bible-quoting base — the very same base that votes. Apparently, Trump’s supporters made them do it.

But now they’ve let the spitting wildcat out of the bag. Seems to be yet another lesson about to be learned the hard way, boys.


Read more from Sarah Cowgill.


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Sarah Cowgill

National Columnist

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