There’s just no pleasing some folk. Progressive Democrats, who embarrassingly tipped their hand a bit too soon with the big Green New Deal reveal, have been scrambling to clear up the misunderstanding surrounding claims that their genius economic plan would include free money for those unwilling to work. Despite this panic, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is calling for a vote to get this remarkable bit of legislation passed. And, of course, good old Cryin’ Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is whining again – seems he just can’t take the win gracefully. [perfectpullquote align=”right” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=”24″]…the Green New Deal has about as much chance of clearing Congress as Frosty the Snowman does surviving a summer in the Sahara…[/perfectpullquote]
All joking aside, the Green New Deal has about as much chance of clearing Congress as Frosty the Snowman does surviving a summer in the Sahara – and both the aforementioned senators know this.
A Green Plan by Green Lawmakers
From banning domestic flights and gas-powered cars to paying people not to work and guaranteeing Medicare for all, this magnum opus of mindlessness from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and her pals is the epitome of radical legislation. The reason Sen. McConnell wants this vote should be obvious: He hopes to force those Democrats seeking either the White House or to keep their current positions in 2020 to go on the record and officially support or reject this insane plan. It’s quite the clever trap: Back the GND, and kiss any hope of being taken seriously good-bye; oppose it, and Democrats betray what has become a powerful wing of their own party.
That congressional Republicans would want to abort this plan in its infancy should come as no surprise. What some might find ironic, however, is that Sen. Schumer, of all people, would have the audacity to call this a cheap partisan trick:
“They’re bringing a resolution forward so they can vote against it. This cheap, cynical ploy evidently represents the sum total of Senate Republicans’ leadership on the vital issue of climate change – an issue that cries out for serious engagement by members of both parties. But rather than seriously engage on the issue, our Republican colleagues are taking a page from President Trump’s petty playbook, trying to make this a game of political ‘gotcha.’”
You can, of course, trust that the good senator from New York knows a cheap, partisan trick when he sees one. And we don’t have to look far to see Schumer lob off a low blow of his own: “President Trump’s petty playbook.”
Schumer: Epitome of Bipartisanship?

Chuck Schumer
Let’s take a trip back in time and look at just a sampling of the high and mighty Schumer’s “bipartisan” moments. He completely ignored every travesty ever committed or upheld in an American court for the chance to take a shot at both President Trump and Brett Kavanagh during the judge’s Supreme Court confirmation battle, calling the nomination “one of the saddest, most sordid chapters in the long history of the federal judiciary.” Naturally, he argued that there should be no presumption of innocence for Kavanaugh – Only Democrats are afforded such mercy! And let us not forget his plan to filibuster the vote to confirm Neil Gorsuch. Talk about a cheap, cynical ploy – he must have forgotten about this one.
But if any one issue reigns supreme in highlighting both the partisanship and hypocrisy of Senator Chuck Schumer – and many of his Democratic Party pals – it is that of the border wall. By this point, we’re all familiar with the president’s plan to erect a barrier across the U.S.-Mexico line and the Democrats’ nigh unwavering resistance to it. However, as Liberty Nation’s Sarah Cowgill wrote back in January, the Democrats were all in for border security – and barriers – not that long ago:
“In 2006, a bipartisan bill was passed and signed into law by then-President George W. Bush known as the Secure Fence Act. Former Senators Barack Obama (D-IL), Hillary Clinton (D-NY), Joe Biden (D-DE), and current Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) enthusiastically voted for the bill – which mandated a fence across the southern border.”
Fast forward several years into the future, and we see Schumer crying crocodile tears over how mean spirited and unamerican Trump’s immigration policies are. This leaves just one question for the New Yorker: Are you mad because McConnell took a page out of President Trump’s petty playbook, or your own?