As the US becomes increasingly involved in conflicts around the world, President Biden is using a wartime law to...
Climate Change
NASA’s Climate Change Metrics Need Fixing
Americans love their lawns. Some clean-looking lawns resemble golf courses in area and may be mowed more...
The Histrionic Follies of Volcano Deniers
Many Americans who are receptive to the possibility that human activities are warming the globe may invoke the...
Show Me Your Paycheck, I’ll Show You Your Electric Bill
Paying too much for electricity? Citizens of the Golden State may get a break on their monthly electric costs –...
Will Rationing be the Next Phase of the Great Reset?
In 2020, a team of academics from the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom produced a paper, “Rationing and...
The Green War on Natural Gas Heats Up
It wasn’t long ago when public buses were slathered with elephant size ads claiming, “This vehicle is powered by...
Climate Change – 96% of US Temperature Data Corrupted?
A new scientific report documents that almost all US temperature measurement stations are in compromised...
Where Did Eco-Anarchists Go?
Just months ago, one couldn’t walk down a city street without encountering someone glued to the pavement, waving...
A Surprising Connection between Local and Global Warming
One of the critical pieces of evidence that undermines the catastrophic global warming narrative is the existence...