Say What? is the segment of Liberty Nation Radio where we unveil some of the most wacky, astonishing, and damnable things uttered by politicians and the chattering class.
Tim: We start a week marked by unprecedented scurrilous accusations against President Trump with the president’s address to the nation after those massacres in El Paso and Dayton, one by a white supremacist, the other by a radical leftist, and he did what most presidents do after these kinds of tragedies: tried to comfort the families and communities of the victims in a nationally televised address.
President Trump: These barbaric slaughters are an assault upon our communities, an attack upon our nation, and a crime against all of humanity. We are outraged and sickened by this monstrous evil: the cruelty, the hatred, the malice, the bloodshed, and the terror. The shooter in El Paso posted online a manifesto consumed by racist hate. In one voice, our nation must condemn racism, bigotry, and white supremacy.
Tim: So, Trump went on to visit both El Paso and Dayton, but even he could hardly have expected the widespread violent reaction on the left to his own condemnation of white supremacy. Start with the incredible shrinking presidential candidate Beto “Don’t call me Robert Francis” O’Rourke, who took full advantage of one of those atrocities occurring in the district he used to represent to try to generate a viral moment for himself:
Beto O’Rourke: We have a president right now who traffics in this hatred, who incites this violence, who calls asylum seekers “animals” and “an infestation.” You may call a cockroach an infestation. You may use that word in the Third Reich to describe those who are undesirable, who must be put down because they are subhuman … in this beautiful country that decided 243 years ago that we would not define ourselves by race or ethnicity.
Tim: “The Third Reich.” He actually said that. There it is: the Nazi flag being raised by the left again. But did you hear the end? “We will not be defined by race and ethnicity,” when in fact that’s all Democrats seem to care about these days, race and ethnicity. But, of course, front-runner Joe Biden had to jump on the bandwagon as well:
Joe Biden: The words of a president matters. They can encourage us to appeal to our better angels, to our better nature; but they can also unleash the deepest, darkest forces in this nation. And that’s what I believe Donald Trump has chosen to do. He called American … A major American center, city, “A disgusting rat-infected, rodent mess,” as though the vibrant, diverse community around Baltimore somehow was less than human. He basked in the chants of “Send her back!” The shooter in El Paso declaring, quote, “This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas.” It is both clear language and in code. This president has fanned the flames of white supremacy in this nation.
Tim: Well, see, he couldn’t even spit out his insults properly. You heard him talk about “code.” Well, the left was full of demented paranoid takes on Donald Trump and his supposedly “coded language.” Listen to Malcolm Nance on MSNBC:
Malcolm Nance: This country has had several of these mass incidents, but I think we’re overdue for a real massacre of a political nature. These people feel that they are the foot soldiers and executors of the disenfranchisement that the white race is feeling, and Donald Trump is giving them subliminal orders in their head.
Tim: Joe Biden, “Code.” Malcolm Nance, “Subliminal orders from the president.” But you ain’t heard nothing yet! On MSNBC, an actual mainstream media channel on cable TV, former FBI official Frank Figliuzzi imagined a thoroughly paranoid conspiracy theory:
Frank Figliuzzi: The president said that we will fly our flags at half-mast until August 8. That’s 8/8. The numbers 8-8 are very significant in Neo-Nazi and white supremacy movement. Why? Because the letter H is the eighth letter of the alphabet, and to them the numbers 88 together stand for “Heil Hitler.” So, we’re going to be raising the flag back up at dusk on 8/8.
Tim: I don’t even know what to say. But if you ever needed proof that the left has become dangerously unstable, there you have it.
But this is what the left is saying. How about what they’re doing? Well, Rep. Joaquin Castro of Texas, brother of presidential candidate and former HUD secretary for Obama Julian Castro, decided to send out a tweet with a list of names and businesses of several Trump supporters in his own district. The district he represents! It’s called doxxing, and it led to even Willie Geist of hard-left MSNBC questioning Castro’s tactics:
Willie Geist: But, congressman, as you look at this list … And I know you say you didn’t put their addresses out there. It’s easy to find them. These people undoubtedly are already being harassed online, or perhaps face-to-face in some cases. What do you say to those people this morning, who said, “I made a campaign donation, and now I’m going to be harassed. I’m going to have people protesting outside my business, or perhaps even my home”? Do you want them to repent for their support for Donald Trump? Or what do you want from them?
Joaquin Castro: Well, the first thing is that I don’t want anybody harassed or targeted…
Geist: But they will be, because you put their names in public.
Castro: Look, that was not my intention. But these things are…
Geist: But that’s what will happen.
Castro: These things are public. No, what I would like for them to do is think twice about supporting a guy who is fueling hate in this country.
Tim: Right. So, a member of the US Congress is openly intimidating his political opponents by publicly shaming their entirely legitimate political contributions. This is what it’s come to, as the left defies the notion that they had already reached rock bottom.
But wait! That’s not all. The New York Times, the Gray Leftist Lady, ran a headline about Trump’s nationally televised speech: Trump Urges Unity Vs. Racism. But the left, in the person of vacuous presidential candidates like O’Rourke, and the most vacuous of them all, Kirsten Gillibrand, immediately blasted The Times. So, the former paper of record decided to relent and switch the headline to Assailing Hate, But Not Guns. And Donald Trump Jr. went on Fox News to say he was hardly surprised:
Donald Trump Jr: They put up actually what happened, an objective headline, and then they were hit by the mob. And the mob went after them, and they caved to that pressure. They caved to the Twitter mob, and gave their viewers what they wanted, as opposed to the actual news. And that’s a scary place to be. The New York Times doesn’t function as a news organization anymore. They function as the marketing wing of the Democrat Party. So does The Washington Post, and frankly most of the mainstream media. And that’s what it is. It’s not about reporting what actually happens; it’s not about being objective in that; it’s about driving forward a political agenda. In their case, obviously a very leftist political agenda. And it’s sick because there is no amount of effort, no amount of statement that my father could give that would ever satisfy them.
Tim: Indeed, nothing President Trump ever says or does will be enough for the left. But now that they’ve failed repeatedly to take him down with Russiagate and all the rest, the only choice left is to beat him at the ballot box. And the only chance they have to do that is with scurrilous ad hominem attacks, repeatedly calling him a racist and white supremacist. But that unmasks their own utter desperation and the fact that they cannot beat Trump on the issues.
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