It was as if Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) was never in the race for Democratic nominee. In a rare without rancor moment, he simply bowed out and endorsed the man he had railed against for months on the campaign trail. Sanders – once a fiery, arm-waving, disheveled titan for progressives – simply deflated like a day-old carnival balloon in front of the nation and asked, demurely, for his vast support system to vote for former Vice President Joe Biden.
Talk about a devastating 2016 déjà vu for the Bros. But will they condemn the man and walk away from the party, heavily medicated, or hunker down, slam a few energy drinks, and wreak the months-long promised havoc of rioting in the streets to disrupt the election? All appearances indicate the Bros are suffering from shock. Yet just a scant few months ago, the Bros were teeming with righteous anger at the thought of the Democratic National Committee rigging the contest and dismissing the angry socialist – again.
Remember These Yahoos?
Liberty Nation covered threats by Sanders’ staffers when undercover footage by Project Veritas outed Martin Weissgerber, who was identified as a “paid” South Carolina field director who hasn’t quite learned the all-important campaign strategy of “shut your pie-hole.” He bragged on Twitter about his undoubtable power:
“I’m already on Twitter, following numerous groups around the country that are ready to organize yellow-vest protests. I mean, I’m ready. I’m ready to start tearing bricks up and start fighting. I’m no cap, bro. I’ll straight up get armed, I want to learn how to shoot and go train. I’m ready for the f**king revolution, bro.”
The dude was wearing skinny jeans and had a man bun, but the threat was made and not disputed by the Sanders campaign.
Then there was Kyle Jurek, Bernie’s Iowa field director, who told undercover journalists that Sanders wanted “free education” so that Republicans could be taught how to “not be a f**king Nazi,” and that he wants to “walk into that MSNBC studios, drag those motherf***ers out by their hair, and light them on fire in the streets.”
Liberty Nation’s Kelli Ballard covered the big reveal from two Bernie Bros with an unfortunate inability to sniff out a spy in their bunker: Mason Baird and Daniel Taylor. She wrote:
“Now we hear the rantings of two South Carolina field coordinators as they talk about attracting radicals to the campaign and even calling for damaging people’s property … the two unsuspecting guests in the latest project installment … Baird explained how a Sanders presidency would work. ‘It would, it’s gonna take, you know, it’s gonna take militancy … like a militant labor movement that’s willing to … strike, and if necessary, you know, just destroy property and things like that.’”
C’mon Bros!
The Bros have called for re-education camps for Republicans – Gulags, if you will – vowing that “cops would die” on the streets of Milwaukee, the site of the Democratic Party convention.
Will the Sanders people follow their shepherd and rally behind the befuddled one? How can we imagine such a world where the Bros simply do as they are told and fade away until someone else sparks their fire?
Read more from Sarah Cowgill.
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