What’s behind the FBI’s decision to push on with the Clinton investigation?
Google Under Fire for Discrimination
Does hypocrisy rein at Google HQ with gender discrimination?
Look Out OPEC, Here Come the Yanks
It’s bound to be a bloody charge for the Trump Rough Riders up San Juan Hill.
The Progressive Veil and the Inferiority of Men
Are the progressives right? Are men really the inferior sex?
Democrat Keith Ellison Endorses Antifa
Keith Ellison (D-MN), the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee, caused a circus of emotions on...
The Rise and Fall of Steve Bannon
Let’s not mince words here. Bannon is toast. After rising to the heights of power, he has thrown it all away and is now likely to be viewed as little more than an historical footnote.
Yale Psychiatrist is 25th Amendment Tool
Deviousness is rife in this attempt to sway American voters…Using the Constitution against us!
Can Democrats Win the 2018 Elections with No Agenda?
Can Democrats actually take control of Congress if they have no agenda beyond virulent opposition to President Trump?
The Best and Worst of 2017: Riding the Roller Coaster with Trump
Donald Trump is God’s gift to some and the end of the world to others. Despite the roller coaster ride that was 2017, we haven’t seen Armageddon yet.