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Results for "Pelosi"

Ryan Zinke Makes Dept. of Interior a Dog-Friendly Workplace

Ryan Zinke Makes Dept. of Interior a Dog-Friendly Workplace

It appears that the dog days of summer have arrived early for Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke and his employees as a different breed (er, breeds) walked the halls, drooling, hand licking and shamelessly searching for treats while spreading joy and love to all, just this Friday. Yes, the Interior Department is the first government agency to launch ‘bring your doggy to work day officially,’ and it was butt-wiggling, tail wagging success.

DNC Chairman Takes a Hard Left Turn on Abortion

DNC Chairman Takes a Hard Left Turn on Abortion

New Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Tom Perez has had a bit of a tough weekend in the world of social media. His statement, Friday, about the party’s stance on abortion – and his implied intention to withhold support from pro-life candidates – has effectively alienated many democrat voters and even several elected Democratic politicians. His statement also represents the party’s continued shift to the extreme left.

The Cry from the Left: Trump Delenda Est

The Cry from the Left: Trump Delenda Est

How to explain this seeming departure from the normal American pattern of accepting the electoral facts, and then continuing the fight in the various constitutional and other forums the system provides? Why is it so different this time? Why are presidential tax returns more important than an eyeball to eyeball confrontation in Northeast Asia? Why must we place the travel and residential preferences of non-US citizens over the security of Americans? Why must non-leftists be barred from the Supreme Court?