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Results for "McCa"

What Will Russia Do Now?

What Will Russia Do Now?

The infamous red line drawn in the sand between U.S. and Russia has been crossed. In his brief address to the nation last night, President Trump elucidated upon his targeted airstrike as a response to the chemical weapons assault on Syrian citizens by President Bashar al-Assad.

Investigation For Susan Rice on Trump Unmasking?

Investigation For Susan Rice on Trump Unmasking?

As the story continues to unfold and the investigation into Mrs. Rice begins, the most critical piece of information to look for is the answer to the question of why. Why did Susan Rice unmask those names? Hopefully, she will have the decency to give an explanation to that vital question.

Liberty Nation: Websites of the Week

Liberty Nation: Websites of the Week

Each week, Liberty Nation will feature a few sites that you should be reading. These sites will span the entire liberty spectrum, and whether you agree with all of them or not, they’re worth looking at — and bookmarking to read again later. We also encourage you to leave us the sites you’re reading, down in the comments. After all, liberty is for thinkers.