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Major Trolling as Boston Straight Pride Parade Takes on Gay Grand Marshal

Super Happy Fun America demands the same treatment as the LGBTQ community. Will the ‘oppressed majority’ get it?

June is LGBTQ pride month, and like many other cities across the world, Boston will see parades and other events held by the LGBTQ community in celebration. But the Olde Towne might also be the home of a straight pride parade later in the year.

Super Happy Fun America, a group that claims to advocate on behalf of the “oppressed majority,” plans to hold a parade that follows the same course as June’s LGBTQ parade and enjoys all the same accommodations, such as blocked traffic, the inclusion of floats, and the group’s flag flapping in the wind above city hall.

The PC crowd was outraged, though those who shun such silliness got a good chuckle. And to anyone who has visited the Super Happy Fun America website, it’s quite clear that’s by design. From the straight pride flag that has represented the community for “over 0.4 years” to the petition to add S for straight into LGBTQ – you know, because it’s more inclusive that way – and the choice of provocative and openly gay free speech advocate Milo Yiannopoulos for the parade’s grand marshal, everything on the website seems a tongue-in-cheek jab at all the progressives hold sacred.

And, of course, the leftist media were quick to “expose” the organizers’ connections to “far-right and nationalist” groups such as Patriot Prayer, Resist Marxism, and the Proud Boys, labeling them nationalists, homophobes, and white supremacists. Despite the sense of hatred this portrayal seems designed to expose in the group’s members, Super Happy Fun America delivers its message through humor rather than heat.

But there’s more to this group and its parade than simply trolling those obsessed with identity politics. “Straight people are an oppressed majority,” John Hugo, president of Super Happy Fun America, wrote. “We will fight for the right of straights everywhere to express pride in themselves without fear of judgement and hate.” As Liberty Nation’s Onar Åm explained, “identity politics is a horrible idea.” It is divisive by nature and leads to polarization between various groups of people for no reason other than that they have different – and often immutable – traits. And while most minorities are celebrated for their diversity and congratulated for their self-expression, those in the intersectionality cult tend to vilify heterosexual men, especially the white ones.

The group claims to have asked for nothing more than to hold a parade and have its flag hoisted above city hall – just as the LGBTQ groups behind their festivities have. If accommodations can be made for one, then they can be made for another. According to the website, the request that the straight pride flag fly above city hall has been rejected, and the group is suing for discrimination because of it. The mayor, on the other hand, tweeted that no group would be denied based on its beliefs. The problem, he claims, is that the paperwork simply isn’t yet in order.

So will Boston have its very own straight pride parade – led by none other than Milo Yiannopoulos himself? We’ll find out come August.


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