With the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Awards and the Grammy’s – not to mention the not-so-Golden Globes – in the rear-view mirror, we have the big kahuna to look forward to in just a months’ time. Yes, dear readers, it’s Oscar time. Which means Hollywood is preparing its finest beat-down of our president in typical Hollywood fashion.
But, but, but – unlike the left –conservatives can carry two thoughts at the same time, which is why we shall endeavor to bring up a topic strictly verboten in Tinsel town. And that is the ever-growing list of brave Hollywood renegades. Yes, those actors and actresses who dare to go rogue and speak their minds in support of President Trump and the Make America Great Again platform.
One does have to give them credit for being willing to stand up in such a monolithic atmosphere where only one political point of view is tolerated. Ah yes, the oh-so-tolerant left – where it’s their way or the highway.
So, without further ado – here we go with the top ten conservatives who still live and breathe in Hollywood and seemingly don’t give a damn what their peers think. Bully for them.
James “Tough Guy” Woods
Award-winning actor James Woods may be best known for “Casino” and “White House Down,” but you haven’t lived until you’ve checked out Mr. Woods’ twitter feed. He’s unabashed in his Conservative views and takes the left and his pals in Hollywood to task at every turn.
The #Academy can go ahead and purge members in its McCarthyism way…. on a far larger scale, a giant segment of the public has already purged everything #Hollywood from its entertainment activities & wallets, and that sentiment is growing stronger by the day
— NeilM (@Aboutnothing77) January 28, 2018
Mr. Woods is no-holds-barred, take-no-prisoners – dyed-in-the-wool conservative. And if you don’t like it, my guess is that Woods would say you can lump it.
Dirty Harry to the Rescue
He’s an oldy but a goody for sure. Clint Eastwood has been bucking the trend – and winning for years. Not only does he not give a crap about the Hollywood elite – he IS the Hollywood elite and makes his views known by making movies that tell you precisely where he comes from politically. One gets the sense that Mr. Eastwood doesn’t bother with the leftist proletariat in Tinsel town and just keeps ticking along. He does seem the most likely on our list to pull out his firearm and shoo away any lefty loser who trespasses on his property. So, do you feel lucky, sucker?
The Commissioner
Call him Magnum P.I., or the Blue Bloods Commissioner or just about anything else you want, but Tom Selleck doesn’t suffer the Hollywood fools on the left one iota. As a board member and card-carrying member of the NRA, Mr. Selleck is clearly in the conservative camp despite his support for John McCain for president in 2008. (There wasn’t really much choice, after all.)
Die Hard – Pick a Number
Hollywood tough guy Bruce Willis has two passions. Guns and smaller government. Sounds like a card-carrying conservative to me:
“I’m a Republican only as far as I want a smaller government. I want less government intrusion. I want them to stop pissing on my money and your money, the tax dollars that we give 50 percent of, or 40 percent of, every year, and I want them to be fiscally responsible, and I want these goddamn lobbyists out of Washington. Do that and I’ll say I’m a Republican… Okay. I admit it. I hate government and I hate political parties.”
I’ve got that Joy, Joy, Joy Down in my Heart
Up until now, our Hollywood conservative profile looks like a parade of the tough dudes. But here’s one for you that breaks that mould: Joy Villa. Actress and producer and star of Hobgoblins 2, CSI: NY and one of the today’s most popular recording artists, Ms. Villa is tired of the Hollywood rat race and may even throw her hat in the political ring in Florida. Admittedly Ms. Villa comes late to the party – saying she voted for Barack and supported Bernie but then came around and voted for Trump in the end. Hey better late than never. Now she says she’ll run for Congress. Let’s hope it’s for the right party, eh?
Mr. Wedding Crasher
Hysterical A-lister Vince Vaughn leans “L” for libertarian. Famous for his staunch Second Amendment support, Vaugh takes a small “G” government and classic libertarian “stay out of other people’s business” stance when it comes to conflict and wars in parts unknown. As well, he’s not a big fan of affirmative action and has gone on record as saying, “I’ll answer that with a question. Do you believe that using race as a factor in evaluating a person is a good way to operate?” Vince is welcome to crash my kid’s wedding anytime.
Hollywood Bombshell Category
Heather Locklear, Jaclyn Smith and Susan Lucci aren’t just all hair and make-up. While Locklear says she’s “stubbornly quiet” on the issue of politics, she does confess to being a rare Republican outlier. Smith keeps a low profile as well, but the former Charlie Angel does confess conservative political tendencies. And Susan Lucci of “All My Children” hosted fundraisers for Rudy Giuliani’s presidential run. ‘Nuff said.
The Funnies
Rounding out our Hollywood elites on the right wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t include those funny guys: Dennis Miller, Tim Allen and Adam Sandler. Miller is well-known for his bits on the old O’Reilly Factor. Mr. “Home Improvement” Allen has taken the heat for his unpopular politics, “There is nothing more dangerous, especially in this climate than a funny, likeable conservative character,” Allen said of his “Last Man Standing” character – a man not all that dissimilar from the actor himself.” And Sandler, formerly of SLN fame, has put his money where his mouth is and forked over $2,100 to the Rudy Campaign for President.
Oh, and there are more – many more – Phil Robertson, Sylvester Stallone, Kirk Cameron, Jon Voight, Drew Carey, Pat Sajak, as well as those ageing rockers on the right – Alice Cooper, Ted Nugent, and Meat Loaf. Hollywood would like you to think these folks don’t exist. They may, in fact, be trying to blackball them as we speak, but hey – it’s a still a free country, even in Hollywood.