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Flyover Folks Hold Their Noses at the Woke

Heartlanders don't mince words over the left's attack on beloved Mr. Potato Head and Pepé Le Pew.

by | Mar 12, 2021 | Columns, Social Issues

Editor’s Note: While the media and other leftist elites ignore the millions of folks living in “flyover” states, they do so at their own peril; it was this silent majority that put President Trump in the White House. Each week, Liberty Nation gives voice to the hard-working heartlanders who are silent no more.

In the heartland, expressions are handed down from generation to generation, replete with words rarely uttered, surviving merely to make a point. They “yoo-hoo” when hollering their presence, invoke “smite” when battling the Devil himself, and try and shut the barn door before the horse gets out. But this week in flyover states, the one common phrase heard in pubs, coffee shops, office environments, and on-line was: “Are you f—king kidding me?”

It was all downhill as blue-haired grandmas, crusty-old grandpas, and children of the 60s and 70s adopted the saltiest words known in the Bible Belt to describe the latest rant from the woke. Mr. Biden canceled Dr. Seuss last week, and now we must fight to hang onto Mr. Potato Head, Pepé Le Pew, and so many other childhood memories.

Oh, the Games People Play

Hasbro has decided that the “Mr.” in Mr. Potato Head is not inclusive and is dropping the title from their potato toy line. They insist this emasculation of the spud will make everyone feel “welcome in the Potato Head world.” But fear not: They will have options for traditional families as well, including a Mr. and Mrs. Head accessory line along with a two dads and moms family dynamic. Not everyone was pleased. One angry tweeter snarked, “I think Hasbro needs to drop the ‘Bro’ and just be ‘Has.’”

As in has-been? Perhaps, as Hasbro quickly rectified the unclear announcement:

“While it was announced today that the POTATO HEAD brand name & logo are dropping the ‘MR.,’ I am proud to confirm that MR. & MRS. POTATO HEAD aren’t going anywhere and will remain MR. & MRS. POTATO HEAD.”

Phew! That was near disaster. Yet a few happy people were praising Hasbro’s sort of woke decision with all the commotion: GLAAD Chief Communications Officer Rich Ferraro released a statement that read in part: “Hasbro is helping kids to simply see toys as toys, which encourages them to be their authentic selves outside of the pressures of traditional gender norms.”

Do kids see themselves as potatoes? In Spencer, TN, the relief of a genderless potato was palpable for Judy Beaux: “Now people can sleep at night. World peace is just around the corner. We peeled a label off a potato.”

Tom Roach of Monroe, GA, wonders, “If Mr. Potato Head is gender-neutral, where do Tater Tots come from?” And Charles William Langston of Greenville, NC, has a prediction: “Biden will make Potato Head Secretary of Agriculture.”

And that surprises no one.

Liberals Could Use a Good Skunking

Nothing is more ridiculous when you get right down to brass tacks than equating a beloved lonely, looser cartoon character with perpetuating rape culture. Rape and culture shouldn’t even be used in the same sentence, but the liberals made it up, so therefore it is and must not be amended. Anywho, the woke culture has put their nearsighted eye on poor old Pepé Le Pew. Pew was introduced in 1945 as an “Odor-able Kitty” in the episode bearing that name. Depicted as a French striped skunk, Pepé is continuously on the quest for love and gets in Penelope Pussycat and Lola Bunny’s personal space.

Alas, Pepé is retired. So children can stop watching the television and go back to non-violent video games. Michael Kizzia in North Carolina opines: “Woke cancel culture is nothing more than the Salem Witch trials writ large. A group of frustrated, angry, ignorant children have discovered they have power over society and the culture they live in and can manipulate ordinary, normal adults by screaming that they are surrounded by evil things and people.”

But most folks in the flyover states compared Pew and Head and decided it was a much better idea to park their kids in front of a video game, like the wildly popular Grand Theft Auto – where instead of animated snuggling and hijinks, kiddos have the option of setting a hooker on fire to avoid paying her for her services.

The only game left to play that may appease the looney left is Mystery Date: They never know what gender will come to the door and ring your bell.


Read more from Sarah Cowgill.

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Sarah Cowgill

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