The populist wing of the conservative movement and leftists share the same target, but for entirely different...
Swamponomics: Exposing This Week’s Economic Fallacies – June 16
Welcome to another installment of Swamponomics: Liberty Nation’s dive into the week’s morass of top news stories...
Welcome to the Fed Bailouts — Wait Your Damn Turn
For years, public officials and the punditry class have taken George Costanza’s advice to appear busy by looking...
Swamponomics: Exposing This Week’s Economic Fallacies – June 9
Welcome to another installment of Swamponomics: Liberty Nation’s dive into the week’s morass of top news stories...
A Hero Crumbles in the Face of the Debt
A fiscal conservative arrives in Washington, ready to take an ax to the federal budget, pay off the debt, and...
Warren: The Difference between Two Cents and Two Percent
“If we put that 2-cent wealth tax in place on the 75,000 largest fortunes in this country, 2 cents, we can do...
Flood Insurance Schemes and Unintended Consequences
Are you ready for another case study in bad economics? Look no further than the National Flood Insurance Program...
Statists Launch the War on Convenience
A new epidemic in Toronto could transform North America’s fourth-largest city into a wasteland. This clear and...
Exposing This Week’s Economic Fallacies – May 26
Welcome to another installment of Swamponomics: Liberty Nation’s dive into the week’s morass of top news stories...