Unbeknownst to most everyone encased in the Beltway bubble who dismissed his candidacy, characterized him as a...
Swamponomics: Exposing This Week’s Economic Fallacies – May 5
Welcome to another installment of Swamponomics: Liberty Nation’s dive into the week’s morass of top news stories...
Kamala Harris Kicks off Pandering to Labor Unions
Speaking at the National Forum on Wages and Working People the other day, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) added another...
Swamponomics: Exposing This Week’s Economic Fallacies – April 28
Welcome to another installment of Swamponomics: Liberty Nation’s dive into the week’s morass of top news stories...
The Social Security Fiscal Black Hole Has Arrived
The fiscal black hole surrounding Social Security and Medicare had been talked about long before mankind got its...
Democrats’ Plan to Combat Racism: Reparations
Reparations for the descendants of American slaves has been an idea floated in various forms since the passage of...
The EU, Climate Change, and Kafka
Living in, working with, and accessing the European Union is a Kafkaesque experience. The egregious nature of the...
The New Worldwide Political Trend: Reparations
The major emotion driving the direction of politics today must be guilt. As moral codes have changed over the...
Coordinated State Effort to Push Drivers’ Licenses for Illegal Aliens
It was increasingly evident in January and February with the sudden appearance of multi-state efforts to promote...