When Willie Sutton was asked why he robbed banks, he famously responded, “because that’s where the money is.” Likewise, the protection of the American homeland rests on identifying where the terrorists are. And they happen to be located predominantly within one religion. There should be little doubt that if, say, Trump’s fellow Presbyterians were repeatedly committing terrorist acts, he would be targeting them. But instead, the President’s travel ban has targeted predominantly Muslim nations where terrorism has been spawned for a generation or more.
Anyone watching TV these days knows of the violent reaction to the President’s travel ban that is supposedly sweeping the land – in the form of protests ginned up by George Soros-funded anti-Trump organizations like CAIR, the left wing Muslim power center in the U.S.
But one need take only a small step back to understand the blind rage and hypocrisy of those who are shocked, shocked that Trump would have the audacity to limit the flow of individuals who have traveled back and forth to countries infested with Islamo-fascist terrorism. In fact, the argument that this is a “Muslim ban” falls apart on so many different levels.
For starters, the ban applies to just seven of the fifty predominantly Muslim countries in the world. If this was truly a Muslim ban, why would 86% of the world’s Muslim nations be excluded from the list? And yet, despite this obvious and gross misrepresentation of the travel ban, this story is still trending nationally and internationally as a “Muslim Ban.”
But how did this administration come up with those seven countries in particular? Well, here is the answer almost entirely unreported by the elite establishment media: these are the same seven countries targeted for travel bans by the Obama administration and its Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act of 2015. Woops. Inconvenient truth.
Because this order by Trump was deliberately executed immediately to avoid the last minute entry of bad actors, it appeared that confusion reigned among the agencies tasked with enforcing the ban. Over one hundred people were detained in U.S. airports over the weekend following the ban, and some two hundred others overseas were prevented from boarding flights bound for the U.S. All the detainees have since been released.
If the ban were announced with a one week notice, the "bad" would rush into our country during that week. A lot of bad "dudes" out there!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 30, 2017
Let’s put these numbers in perspective. As Trump spokespersons Reince Priebus and Kellyanne Conway have repeatedly asserted, the hundred plus people detained at domestic airports are among 325,000 people who entered the U.S. from overseas on just the Saturday following the ban. That means .03% – three-hundredths of one percent – of those entering the country were held. And yet the media has attempted to whip the public into a frenzy about this extreme vetting – the very action Trump repeatedly promised during the campaign. And an action enjoying broad, even overwhelming support among the American people, notwithstanding instant polls after the ban was announced with questions phrased in such a way as to assure majority opposition (a time-tested tactic of push polls, e.g. “Do you support President Obama protecting the free speech rights of Black Lives Matter protesters?” or “Do you have a positive or negative reaction to Donald Trump saying Mexicans are rapists?”)
But these irreconcilable facts are indicative only of the blind rage of a left wing and its media enablers incapable of liberating themselves from their post-election psychotic break. The hypocrisy of it all is even worse. Again, it takes just one step back to understand.
Consider the mantra of the left over at least the last eight years. Tolerance and diversity. Or more precisely, enforced tolerance and diversity in everything except thought. We have been consistently lectured by these deconstructionists, told that there is only one acceptable position on issues ranging from climate change to transgender bathrooms. And if you don’t comply, you are a pro-Trump stooge, a cretan, a denier, and ultimately, as Hillary Clinton termed it, irredeemable.
And yet, even a cursory examination of the laws and culture of most Muslim countries reveal that their laws and codes of conduct stand in sharp opposition to those on the left who have excused, explained away, justified or in most cases, ignored the reality of Islamic regimes which brutalize women, gay people and those exercising religious freedom, among others.
In fact, an exhaustive study of thirty-nine Muslim nations conducted by the Pew Research Center reveals that a majority of Muslims in South Asia (76%), the Middle East and North Africa (56%) favor execution for those who leave Islam. Yes, the death penalty.
Women are famously and almost universally treated as second-class citizens in many if not most Muslim countries. They are unable to drive or even leave their homes without being accompanied by a male and are subject to draconian punishment for crimes such as marital infidelity that are not even considered crimes for their male counterparts.
Gay people are isolated, targeted and punished. Consider just this one report regarding longtime U.S. ally Saudi Arabia, considered a “mainstream” Islamic country, from The Guardian in the UK, hardly a conservative rag.
When the US Supreme Court ruled in favor of same-sex marriage last year, the White House welcomed it with rainbow-coloured lights and many people celebrated by adding a rainbow tint to their Facebook profile.
For the authorities in Saudi Arabia, though, this was cause for alarm rather than celebration, alerting them to a previously unnoticed peril in their midst. The first casualty was the privately run Talaee Al-Noor school in Riyadh which happened to have a rooftop parapet painted with rainbow stripes. According to the kingdom’s religious police, the school was fined 100,000 riyals ($26,650) for displaying “the emblem of the homosexuals” on its building, one of its administrators was jailed and the offending parapet was swiftly repainted to match a blue rainbow-free sky.
So how exactly can the Democrats reconcile their constant public pronouncements and lectures about tolerance and diversity with the actual laws and policies of the religion they constantly excuse, uplift and protects at all costs? They can’t. The facts won’t allow for it. And yet they persist with their mindless media-boosted mantra that resulted in their shattering defeat last November, loss of control of the federal and state governments across the land, and reduction to an elite, regional, bi-coastal party. Some strategy.
You’ve heard it before, but we shall repeat for emphasis: were it not for double standards, the left would have no standards at all.