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Trump Signs EO on Religious Liberty

Trump Signs EO on Religious Liberty

Donald Trump made some hefty promises regarding liberty during his campaign for president. We held up our part of the bargain and made him president; now we’re watching to see how well he fulfills those promises. For those keeping score at home, President Trump took one more step in the right direction when he signed an Executive Order (EO) – appropriately named “Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty” – on the national day of prayer, May 4.

The Left Says The Spanish Language Is Sexist

The Left Says The Spanish Language Is Sexist

Although it was a fictitious novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four is a powerful and surprisingly accurate display of the influence of language on culture and thought processes. The book is also an honest representation of what individuals would do to censor anything with which they disagree. Today, it seems that some liberals wish to implement a form of Newspeak for the Spanish language.

Healthcare’s Future in the Senate

Healthcare’s Future in the Senate

After being resuscitated by sheer willpower, the American Health Care Act of 2017 is breathing again. Thanks to what was undoubtedly a tremendous effort by President Trump, Speaker Ryan, and several others, the plan to repeal and replace Obamacare has passed the House and now heads to the Senate. Its future is uncertain – indeed, the only thing you can be sure of is that whatever comes out of the Senate will look different than what the House sent over.

The Final Curtain Comes Down for the American Circus

The Final Curtain Comes Down for the American Circus

The champagne must be flowing freely at PETA. Let’s hope their happy now that the Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus has decided to pull down the big top once and for all. The show is over. Done. Kaput. Of course, there are many reasons why the circus has decided to close its doors this month – operating costs are up, attendance is down, changes in the American family – but the most powerful push to dim the lights of the circus assuredly came from animal rights activists. And while PETA and their minions weren’t the only reason for the demise of this slice of Americana, they certainly had a big hand in it – with all five fingers.