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Culture and Entertainment News

The Final Curtain Comes Down for the American Circus

The Final Curtain Comes Down for the American Circus

The champagne must be flowing freely at PETA. Let’s hope their happy now that the Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus has decided to pull down the big top once and for all. The show is over. Done. Kaput. Of course, there are many reasons why the circus has decided to close its doors this month – operating costs are up, attendance is down, changes in the American family – but the most powerful push to dim the lights of the circus assuredly came from animal rights activists. And while PETA and their minions weren’t the only reason for the demise of this slice of Americana, they certainly had a big hand in it – with all five fingers.

The Freedom Caucus, Health Care and the US Senate

The Freedom Caucus, Health Care and the US Senate

In what could certainly be considered a symbolic victory for President Donald Trump, the second incarnation of the American Healthcare Act (AHCA) squeaked through a vote in the House of Representatives Thursday afternoon. Without a single Democrat vote, the bill was passed 217-213, with twenty Republicans voting against it. Although it may well not get through the Senate in its current form, a rift within the majority party has been bridged and that – in itself – is a victory for congressional Republicans who have seen so very few victories, of late.

School District Cancels Class Field Trip To Protect Illegal Students

School District Cancels Class Field Trip To Protect Illegal Students

The beautiful city of Kent, Washington is situated in the heart of the Seattle-Tacoma Metroplex, surrounded by an economic engine supported by Boeing, R.E.I. and Oberto (exceptional sausage jerky), and fueled by an upper middle class of citizens who recycle everything fathomable, drive hybrids, and dream of saving humanity. What appears shiny and tempting on the outside is harboring a rotting core of leftist hypocrisy that has shattered the dreams and hard work ethic of a small group of high school students.

Britain’s Prince Philip Exits Stage Left

Britain’s Prince Philip Exits Stage Left

Americans like to act like they don’t give a hoot about an outdated, somewhat feckless monarchy that we rebelled against more than two hundred years ago. But that would be more than a bit mendacious. Perhaps because we, as a nation, have eschewed all things royal, we are fascinated by its movements and trappings. The reality is that these are some fairly curious folks.

Dear White People: A Satire, But Not In The Way You Think

Dear White People: A Satire, But Not In The Way You Think

Premiering on Netflix this past weekend, each twenty-two-minute segment is rife with angst, gender identity crises, drug use, drinking and a cast of characters that engaged this viewer in the first minutes of episode one. One of the lessons learned is that writer, director, and creator of DWP, Justin Simien, has a universal message that America should hear. Everyone is to a degree, racist. Not just, as many have been indoctrinated to believe, the deplorable Trump voters.

The Racist Left: Protesting And Projecting

The Racist Left: Protesting And Projecting

The so-called progressive left in this country has become a master at hiding their racism under the name of identity politics. As well, they cloak their position as an aid to disenfranchised minorities, whom they claim are victims of white privilege.