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Celebrity Chef Ann Burrell To Open Cheeto Themed Restaurant

by | Aug 9, 2017 | Columns


Let us stipulate at the outset that there are more weighty things going on in the world. North Korea is saber rattling with such force that the globe is beginning to quiver. President Trump fired back with warnings that NK will be met with ‘fire and fury’ if they threaten America. But for now, let’s take a break from the stressful news for something a bit lighter – though probably just as unhealthy for entirely different reasons.

Widespread reports are that a new restaurant in New York City is opening and serving – drum roll here – all things Cheeto. That means a three-course menu of Cheeto dishes. Celebrity Chef Ann Burrell has attached her name to it, and the enthusiasm over this new restaurant is growing by leaps and bounds in anticipation of the opening scheduled later this month.

And why not? Who doesn’t love a Cheeto? I submit that it is positively un-American to dislike the Cheeto. It is a classic American food – empty calories, probably horrible for you, but oh so delicious. No country across the world has come up with less nutritious – but tastier – foods than the USA. And one could argue the Cheeto ranks high on that list. Yes, we’ve heard all the tired SNL and Ashley Judd jokes about Trump looking like a Cheeto. But for this article, let’s retire from the political milieu for a moment, and focus on the Cheeto as food. Forget the open bag in front of the flat screen – you can now have a three course Cheeto meal. So, clear your calendar and order a bottle of Cheeteau my friends, because this is something to celebrate. (You just have to click that Cheeteau link for another laugh!)

Back to our new restaurant: The menu consists of items ranging in price from under ten dollars to over twenty. The fare includes such delectables as “Flamin’ Hot and White Cheddar Mac n’ Cheetos, Cheetos Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup, Cheetos Sweetos Sweet and Salty Cookies and Cheetos Mix-ups Crusted Chicken Milanese.”

The fact that Ann Burrell is involved in the venture is likely to make for a pretty successful business model. She’s not one to mess with (just look at her biceps). Seriously, she has a long history of triumph in the culinary field that harkens back to her “Iron Chef” days. An author of cookbooks and television programs such as “Chef Wanted” – any association with Burrell is money in the bank.

How did this whole thing start? Why of course it’s because of people like you and me, according to Ryan Matiyow, who heads up the Frito-Law division of Pepsi (they own the Cheeto):

Cheetos fans in recent years have infused their innovation into Cheetos-inspired food and shared recipes online. It was their creativity that inspired the pop-up [restaurant].

At this point, only one Cheeto Restaurant is planned. But I bet my bottom dollar that if it does well, Cheeto pop-ups will be, well, popping-up from sea to shining sea.

Is this a great country or what?


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