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Canadian Madness: The Donald Cut from Christmas Movie

Ten seconds of Trump was cut from Home Alone 2 in Canada this year – but it didn’t slip past the heartland.

Editor’s Note: While the media and other leftist elites ignore the millions of folks living in “flyover” states, they do so at their own peril; it was this silent majority that put President Trump in the White House. Each week, Liberty Nation gives voice to the hard-working heartlanders who are silent no more.

Democrats just could not take time off during the week of Christmas from attacking conservatives – especially the leader of the free world – while chanting peace on earth and goodwill toward men. They are an ironic group of folks who want gender fluidity but claim women have no rights. They believe in coexisting – if the bumper stickers are to be believed – but not with anyone who disagrees with them politically. They want to protect the Constitution while dismantling its Bill of Rights. It can be difficult to keep up with all this “fluidity.” But flyover folks – between family gatherings, celebratory church services, and a good evening discussing politics at the local pubs – kept the masses informed and entertained.

Long before Donald Trump became president of the United States, he was lauded for his work with charitable causes, diverse hiring practices, and having helped New York City out of the crime- and drug-addled 70s. He was friends with Democrats and Republicans, honored by Christians and Jews, and was an East Coast icon. The Donald was the subject of chatter this week, centered around the censorship of a beloved Christmas movie, Home Alone 2: Lost In New York – a family flick featuring a cameo from the real estate mogul of the 1990s himself. The Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC) edited the president out. They declared it was for advertising purposes.

Trump was asked by U.S. troops during a video Christmas call if it was his favorite movie, and responded:

“A lot of people mention it every year, especially around Christmas. They say – especially young kids – they say, ‘I just saw you on the movie.’ They don’t see me on television as they do in the movie. But it’s been a good movie and I was a little bit younger, to put it mildly. And it was an honor to do it.”

But it appears the Canadian media puppeteers are besotted with someone else, and their false eyebrow-donning, Bollywood-primping, blackface-wearing Prime Minister’s feelings were to be protected this holiday season. And so the brash American was not seen over the northern airwaves.

It went over as expected.

From Mississippi, E. Brian Rose quipped, “First president ever impeached from a movie,” while Texan Yvette Harm called out our northern neighbors, saying: “CBC sucks … their uncontrolled hate is showing. Is their anger so much that the effort to remove a cameo was that important?”

The clip was an excruciating ten seconds as Trump, playing his billionaire real estate tycoon self, stops to give the main character, played by Macaulay Culkin, directions. How dare he be so racist, so much a bully, such an evil, evil, evil man. Lordy.

Ohioan Mike Nappi scratched his head, commenting, “such sad little people … with major TDS,” and brother from the Hawkeye state, Tony Estrada, expressed the sheer madness of it all by declaring: “ten seconds of Donald Trump, in a film can be so devastating!”

And from Murphy, NC, Bruce London reminded us of the left’s constant “woke” nagging: “Well ain’t they just progressive as hell?”

The comment of the thread winner had to be a sharp soul from Des Moines, IA, who was not shy in sharing an opinion on the year to come: “You can remove him from movies but not the White House!! TRUMP 2020.”

With such strong support for the president among his voter base, it looks like the Dems are going to have a hard time converting heartlanders to their cause in time for the next election.


Read more from Sarah Cowgill.


Liberty Nation does not endorse candidates, campaigns, or legislation, and this presentation is no endorsement.

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