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Fasten Seat Belts: Canceled NY Presidential Primary Is Back On

Bernie, his Bros, and progressive buddies can cadge some DNC platform power.

Tighten your seat belt as New York pulls another 180-degree g-force turn thanks in part to the incessant squawking of two former presidential candidates. On April 26, the New York Democratic Party simply canceled the presidential primary. But it’s back on and now scheduled for a June 23 vote after a federal appeals court tacked on a ruling in support of a lower federal court judge’s decision that the presidential primary be included on the ballot.

The decision stated in part, “We have reviewed all of the remaining arguments raised by Defendants on appeal and find them to be without merit.”

This state is simply exhausting.

The decision comes on the heels of the controversial removal from the June primary ballot all of the names of presidential candidates that had suspended their campaigns. As Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) bowed out in April – offering to back the last man standing – he asked to have his name kept on the ballot for leverage of delegates come the Democratic Party convention in August. Usually those events are considered a big booze fest leading up to the fanfare of nominating the presidential candidate, but the fact is, platforms are hashed out and adopted then – and progressives want their say on a variety of issues. Of course, this year all those rabid party folks may have to wear their funny hats at home if the proceedings, as threatened, go virtual.

But as America has witnessed time and again, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) makes up the rules as it sees fit, changing them at every turn, mostly to thwart the frumpy socialist. Liberty Nation’s James Fite summed up the slick moves against Sanders rather succinctly:

“The Board of Elections canceled the primary by removing Sanders from the ballot. Under New York law, if a primary is uncontested, no election is held. Seems on the level, right? But wait, you might say, didn’t the senator ask not to be pulled from the race? New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed an appropriations bill on April 13 – a mere five days after Sanders suspended his campaign. Included in that new law is the authority for the Elections Board to remove candidates once their campaigns are suspended.”

Something smelled a bit fishy. And three judges on the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals agreed. After hearing arguments last week, the presidential primary contest is back on. And you can bet a lot of progressive candidates are breathing a sigh of relief.

AOC’s Reversal of Misfortune

Another political animal hoping to survive an unprecedented election year is our toothy winsome miss, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who lost her ever-loving mind when New York pulled the plug on the presidential primary. Not because Bernie was off the ballot – but because more people are motivated to vote in a presidential primary, thereby ensuring those extra straight-ticket lever pulls. Seemingly to support the due process, AOC tweeted her displeasure: “This decision is not informed by public health: the state is still holding elections for every other seat that day, & so far the only way your ballot will be 100% counted in NY is to vote in person!”

AOC has just been given a much-needed reprieve. But she is right about that darn whiff of rotten egg wafting in the Big Apple air, or as Fite opined, “I guess AOC and the Bernie Bros weren’t the only ones catching the distinct odor of rotten fish.”

Bernie Bros Feel Victorious

Although New York State Democratic Party Chair Jay Jacobs did say he was not happy about putting New Yorkers at risk. “Of course, I’m disappointed and hopeful that none of the worst predictions for poll worker health will come true, but we will comply of course with the court’s order and we will hold the primary,” he declared, giving up and retreating. There will be no appeals. The primary including the presidential choices will go on without further ado.

One might hope New York will stop all of the nonsense and get back to protecting the rights of its citizens. Or as Faiz Shakir, Bernie’s campaign manager, said in a statement: “With today’s decision, which affirmed the District Court’s recent ruling, we expect New York to work to make voting safe, rather than wasting taxpayer money trying to disenfranchise New York voters. This ruling is a victory for democracy.”

A victory indeed.


Read more from Sarah Cowgill.

For home study students and young people, Liberty Nation recommends…

All About Democrats

High School: The Democratic Party: From Jefferson to Today

Middle School: The Democratic Party: Origins, Policies, and People

Elementary School: The Democratic Party: What is It?

All About Primaries

High School: The Primary and Caucus Process Explained

Middle School: The Primary and Caucus Process

Elementary School: Primaries and Caucuses: How Do They Work?

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Video: FIVE FACTS: Democrats’ Road to the White House

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