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Are the Bernie Bros Backing Biden or Bowing Out?

Campaign watchers wager on whether the Bros will avenge the slighted Bernie or sit this one out.

As the presumptive Democratic nominee for president attempts to run a successful campaign from his basement blanket-fort, bouncing between whacking the optics pinata and pinning the tail on the issues donkey, Bernie Bros are eerily quiet. And that is making the Biden camp a tad nervous. As it should. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has a huge grassroots organization that — if activated to vote — is an asset to either incumbent President Donald Trump or challenger former Vice President Joe Biden.

Sanders supporters do not fit in the Democratic Party social structure. Although it appears the party is careening toward socialism, it hasn’t allowed any newly descripted “Democratic socialist” to rise to the top. One by one, those candidates dropped out of the presidential primary and became ardent Biden cheerleaders. Even Bernie. A betrayal in the eyes of the Bros and reminiscent of the 2016 loss to party elite.

What Are They Thinking?

The Bernie Bros lashed out against elitist authority in 2016, and some (12%) splintered to vote for Trump. Trump appealed to a segment of Sanders’ camp who embraced a wild-card anti-establishment mentality ready to crack down on unfair trade agreements, Swamp elites, and the like. This group of voters focused on policy issues and not personality. The other side of the coin, for some, is Trump’s bombastic nature and the capitalism-bent economic plan he brings, which has the Bros drawing a line in the Democratic Party sandbox.

Suffolk University and USA Today teamed up to find out what Sanders’ devotees are thinking:  This year 638 Bernie primary voters — or 4% — are pledging to vote for Trump. Which is eight points down from actual ballots cast in 2016. The poll also indicates one out of four Bernie Bros will vote for a third-party candidate, sit this one out, or hold their collective noses and vote for President Trump.

Where are the firebrand Bros from two short months ago determined to put Sanders on the ticket? Is Milwaukee going to burn or not? Inquiring minds and the good folks in Wisconsin want to know.

Was It Just Hot Air or Will They Incinerate Milwaukee?

Remember these yahoos, Martin Weissgerber and Kyle Jurek? The two state directors for the good presidential candidate from Vermont laid out plans for world domination to undercover Project Veritas investigative reporters on camera for all to share. Weissgerber bragged earlier this year, when Bernie was winning the Nevada caucus:

“I’m already on Twitter, following numerous groups around the country that are ready to organize yellow-vest protests. I mean, I’m ready. I’m ready to start tearing bricks up and start fighting. I’m no cap, bro. I’ll straight up get armed, I want to learn how to shoot and go train. I’m ready for the f—— revolution, bro.”

Tough words for a dude wearing skinny jeans and sporting a man bun.  Jurek offered “free education” so that Republicans could be taught how to “not be a f—— Nazi” and expressed his desire to “walk into that MSNBC studio, drag those motherf—— out by their hair, and light them on fire in the streets.”

Here is that rant in a nutshell:

Undercover reporter: So if Trump gets re-elected, what?

Jurek: (Bleep) cities burn. We’re going to make 1978 look like a (bleep) girl scout (bleep) cookout.

Reporter: What does that mean?

Jurek: Remember what happened when McGovern got (bleep) in Chicago in 1978? Riots. (Bleep) people getting beaten by the cops. The cops are going to be the ones that are getting (bleep) beaten in Milwaukee … Do you know how many people have suicided themselves that have been related to the Clintons in some way or another? It’s (bleep) insane.

Reporter: Killing Clintons?

Jurek: Maybe. Revolution.

Reporter: Killing Clintons?

Jurek: The revolution is on. No, we don’t got to kill the Clintons. We’ll make them kill themselves.

Reporter: How’s that?

Jurek: Reign of terror … You walk into that MSNBC studio, drag those (bleep) out by their hair and light them on fire in the streets.


Let history fix that “1978” bit: George McGovern thought about running for president in 1968 and eventually did in 1972. In 1968 it was Chicago that was a violent mess in tune with what was happening in the nation at the time. However, Jurek appears to be a moron with a mixed-up memory.

Who knows what these two former Sanders’ state directors have up their sleeves? Will they have enough other Bros, who smartly saved their allowance, for such a violent endeavor? Travel will be involved. Just a thought.

More Polls That May Not Reflective

Sanders’ base is a great unknown today. But you can bet your sweet bippy, statisticians and more than likely local bookies are wagering on which way the Bros will blow only because Biden is simply an uninspiring candidate. They have no personality to cling to. They have a “No Malarkey” guy that makes no sense and a Trump, who possibly terrifies them into cave dwelling. If the top of the ticket turns out to be Biden, described by some as the “shoulder shrug” candidate with nothing of note to rally around, will the Bros push a third-party candidate into the tumultuous race waters? Or maybe Joe’s cool blanket fort will be the selling point for the couch potatoes.


Read more from Sarah Cowgill.

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All About Democrats

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