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Pelosi Sacrifices Old Guard Dems to Be Speaker Once More

by | Dec 14, 2018 | Articles, Politics

Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is basking in the self-congratulatory glow of a compromise that allows her a few more years at the helm – but it has come with a hefty price tag.

A backroom deal with her detractors boils down to an agreement to vote on term limits for top Democratic leadership. It’s a long-range coup, and old guard Democrats have sealed their fate. The nuts and bolts of the future vote are simple: a three-term limit for top House leaders, plus a fourth only possible with support from a two-thirds majority of the Democratic caucus. [perfectpullquote align=”right” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=”24″]…she was eagerly willing to toss her comrades under the socialism-belching progressive bus.[/perfectpullquote]

The pact is a somewhat genius move for progressives, who relish the thought of sending the old guard off to the congressional retirement home, and the deal is retroactive to the last two terms Democrats held the majority: 2007 – 2011. As Pelosi hungers for the power of the speaker, she was eagerly willing to toss her comrades under the socialism-belching progressive bus.

An Inelegant Pass

A few anti-Pelosi mutineers began the process of ousting the almost-octogenarian as the mid-term blue trickle added the needed bodies to take the majority in the House of Representatives. Incumbent Democrats and incoming representatives-elect, just days ago, were circulating a letter pledging to not support Pelosi on the House floor for speaker – primarily the efforts of Tim Ryan (D-OH) and Seth Moulton (D-MA) – though they hadn’t put in place an alternate candidate for the position.

But after Pelosi’s recent manic dust-up with Trump in the Oval Office, the fickle political tides again changed in her favor, and a deal from the young upstarts, wresting power from the liberal-elites, was forged. Pelosi, in her trademark oblivious and muddled manner, gave herself every bit of praise for the score: “Over the summer I made it clear that I see myself as a bridge to the next generation of leaders.” It’s a statement that smacks of hubris and hints at a broader scheme benefiting no one but Pelosi and the progressives, intent on pushing the old guard over the edge.

The younger insurgent Democrats (rubbing their grimy hands and cackling evilly at her folly) issued their own statement:

“We are proud that our agreement will make lasting institutional change and will help develop the next generation of Democratic leaders. We will support and vote for Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the House.”

Nancy Pelosi

Democrat Détente

Pelosi has all but ensured her reign at the podium for at least two years by cutting this deal. In doing so, and if the vote passes, she has sacrificed the careers of two deputies in leadership patiently waiting their turn at the helm: Representatives Steny Hoyer (D-MD) and Jim Clyburn (D-SC), in Congress since 1981 and 1993 respectively, are effectively neutralized.

Yet there is a priceless benefit born of the Democratic shake up and subsequent détente: The new and improved title, once ceremoniously called the assistant majority leader, will now be the loftier, more optically impressive assistant speaker of the house.

Yes, the participation trophy generation is ready for their time in the spotlight, America.

Read More From Sarah Cowgill

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