Abenomics didn’t succeed the first time in Japan, so why do it again?
Globalism or Nationalism: Which is the Force for Peace?
The world today is divided between nationalists and globalists – but which ideal is more peaceful?
Illegals Crime Report – November 8 -14
This week brought the murder of former roommates and a disturbing increase in crimes against children.
The American NGO Migrant CON and How It Works
A US NGO is training asylum Seekers to beat the system by pretending to be oppressed Christians.
Does World Order Exist Without the US?
America was fairly isolated until WWI, but has provided global stability since.
Why Socialism Failed: Mao’s China
The Great Leap Forward caused the Great Chinese Famine.
Adolescent Macron Faces Wrath of The Donald
The kid gloves are off when dealing with childish Macron.
Is Socialist Scandinavia the Leftist Dream? Not So Much
If the left had its way, the U.S. would be Sweden – they wouldn’t be happy.
Is Trump’s Nationalism “A Betrayal of Patriotism”?
Is putting your country first really indicative of betrayal?