More CA cities considering opting out of sanctuary status.
Survey Says: States Can’t Shirk Federal Law
Voters don’t want sanctuary cities or states, survey details.
CA City Rebels Against Sanctuary Laws
CA City Opts Out of Sanctuary Status.
Brits Cry Betrayal over New Brexit Agreement
UK and EU come to Brexit arrangement, but is it what the British hoped for?
Austin Bomber Commits Suicide by Explosives
Austin bomber killed himself after brief police chase.
Landslide Victory for Putin Amid Serious Questions
Vladimir Putin wins Russian election by a landslide, but many are dubious about how “democratic” the process really is.
Muslim Rape Gangs Terrorize British Girls
Young girls allowed to be raped by Muslims.
U.K. Poised to Launch Economic War on Russia
U.K. retaliates against supposed Russian attack, but where’s the evidence?
Dems: Abolish Racist ICE!
The Left wants to abolish ICE regardless of the cost!