Knee jerk reaction to tragedy ignores the harsh reality.
Want American Troop Protection? Trump Says Pony Up
Why shouldn’t “wealthy wealthy” countries defray the cost of U.S. defenses?
Hungary Says No to Forced EU Migration
Brussels plans to resettle migrants across the EU, but Hungary will have none of it.
Will Corruption Payoffs be the Political Death of Justin Trudeau?
Despite promises of sunny ways, the foul stench of corruption is in the air.
Trump Walks, North Korea Talks End Abruptly
Trump refuses to budge on sanctions.
Jihadis Return to a Place Called ‘Home’
The West raises its own enemies. Now must it welcome them home?
Saudi Arabia Tortures Women — Big Surprise
Saudi Arabia considers demanding equal rights a crime. Why isn’t that surprising?
Is Britain Finally Ready to Tackle FGM?
After 34 years, UK gets its first female genital mutilation conviction. Better late than never?
Establishment Be Damned; End the Wars Now
No true opposition among the people stands in Trump’s way.