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Will the Dreams of Democrats Turn to Nightmares?

by | Oct 17, 2018 | Articles, Politics

The ivory towers of Capital Hill are awash with back door dealings by the rabid left and none more insidious than the back rooms in whichYellow DogDemocrats devise plans to overthrow the duly elected president and destroy the Constitutional Republic.

For those unfamiliar with political jargon, the term Yellow Dog arose from southern Democrats, who would “vote for a yellow dog before they would vote for any Republican.”

That cur is back in fashion.

And their party is plotting to turn back time, launch multiple criminal investigations of President Trump, rescind the tax cuts, abolish the Electoral College, add a couple of seats on the Supreme Court, and impeach newly minted Justice Kavanaugh. Oh, and turn America into a socialist cesspool with open borders.

And you might be surprised to find that if they win both houses of Congress, this will be our new America.

Primed for Retribution

Prepare, America, for an avalanche of gridlock — if 2018 surges blue.  Gridlock within the government, as the federal pocketbooks will be open and available to every Tom, Dick, and appointed Special Counsel, to conduct an unprecedented amount of pricey investigations with only one goal in sight: Overthrow the government.

That’s the end game; impeaching a sitting president is just the start.  Democrats want the Constitutional Republic to disappear and insert their majority rule as the law of the land.  And to do that, they must taint the very foundation of our freedom and gravely alter the constitution to reflect a global, socialistic agenda.

Trump will be immediately under investigation for, well, whatever the Democrats can fabricate or embellish – and it will be finely tailored to their narrative du jour.  Much like the circus surrounding the Kavanaugh confirmation – facts and proof be damned, they are desperate, and all’s fair in love and war.  And yes, this is war.

Body Counts

With a scant few weeks until mid-term elections and the red tide rising, Democrats have doubled down in their quest to reinstate policies and practices that decimated the American economy.  Happy, employed, off the dole people of all races, are not copacetic with keeping slaves on the plantation – and the Dems can’t have that – not today and not ever.

In their place in lockstep on the anti-trump and anti-conservative agenda, is every Democrat that hasn’t strayed — #walkaway — in disgust.  The mainstays are diehards – as is reflected in the rhetoric of crazies such as Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA), Senator Corey “Spartacus” Booker (D-NJ), and now, proven by DNA, whiter than white Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA).  And they have taken no prisoners.

[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=”22″]The jaunty and well-appointed banty rooster of the new progressive coop, porn lawyer Michael Avenatti, is still preening throughout the barnyard, crowing for an additional two justices on the Supreme Court.[/perfectpullquote]

The presidential hopeful embarrassed the Democrats by throwing incredulous stories, one after another, from random and now debunked witnesses into the Kavanaugh confirmation process.  The disdain is palpable for last week’s media love child, Michael Avenatti, and one can see the fissures begin to broaden as activists such as Barbara Kittridge, founder of progressive strategy group Motive, weighed in on Avenatti’s self-promotion after Kavanaugh was confirmed:

“In the sense that Avenatti has the ability to take a great deal of the oxygen out of a room, yes we saw a quick and marked shift of the spotlight, from the credible testimony of Dr. Blasey Ford, to Avenatti and his client’s claims against Kavanaugh.”

Yes, the Democrats lay the entire debacle and ultimate loss at feet of the cockerel – unable to own any part of it when such a man is available.  No one is safe when the party needs a win.  But will their dismissal of the attorney blight Avenatti’s presidential run?  Probably.  Too many elites waiting their turn.

Draining the Swamp

And then we have the dreamers in a post Trump apocalypse.

Representative John Sarbanes (D-MD), chair of the misnamed Democracy Reform Task Force, has spent his free time crafting an anti-corruption package to rein in the Swamp People’s financial machine.  But only Republican Swamp creatures — citing two members of Congress, Representatives Chris Collins (R-NY) and Duncan Hunter (R-CA) – are referenced as reasoning for the bill.

As Sarbanes recently opined, “If we can get something on the floor and pass it, it will be a very important message that the Democrats are for real.”

But in the real world of D.C., time spent on this “message” bill is a public relations stunt.  No sitting politician wants (except Trump) big money and perks to dry up, leaving the elected ones asking, “then what’s in this for me?”

It has no chance of passing whether or not the blue tsunami is imminent, but the sweeping legislative package is ready and waiting for January 2019.

Dog Whistle Politics

Why haven’t Democrats retreated, reevaluated, and revamped their game plan?  What force is keeping this agenda unbendable to current American understandings and inclinations?  Perhaps those tin foil hats are a necessity at this time in our country because reality and logic have ceased to play a role in government.  Yes, in the early decades of the 21st Century, the left has desperately grasped on to the out of touch concept of returning this nation to a Jimmy Carter economy, of bowing to enemies, dividing the races, and tantrum throwing politics in lieu of a legislative process.

And only the Democratic elite can hear the call.

Where are those infamous “Blue Dog Democrats” of the 1980s, who crossed the aisle for President Ronald Reagan?  Their bite was impressive; the result was healthily bi-partisan. No, the blue dogs are long gone.  And that’s crying shame.


Liberty Nation does not endorse candidates, campaigns, or legislation, and this presentation is no endorsement.

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