Remember when the president of the United States of America caught the deadly plague that has paralyzed planet Earth? He was out of the hospital in a few days and back to fighting the good fight. And remember when a former New York City mayor and member of the president’s legal team, working 21 hours a day on claims of election fraud, was laid low by the same virus? He walked out of the hospital in short order.
Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani barely skipped a beat when they contracted COVID-19. They went back to business as usual at, well, “warp speed.”

Rudy Giuliani and Donald Trump
How could a 74-year-old man the ninny-networks delight in calling “obese” (despite their virtue-signaling about “fat-shaming”), who checks the dangerous age and weight boxes for coronavirus mortality, ostensibly shrug off this apocalyptic blight without issue? And how could his 76-year-old attorney, with a grinding work ethic, do the same thing?
Both are in high-risk categories, and yet both seemed to emerge without a figurative scratch from what the agenda-enslaved media continually portray as an extinction-level event.
There are two reasons: The first is that the coronavirus has a 99.74% recovery rate. That’s right: Just one-quarter of 1% of all people who contract COVID-19 die from it. The second is Dr. Vladimir Zelenko.
Who is Dr. Zelenko?
He’s a New York-based primary care physician who — along with French microbiologist Dr. Didier Raoult and emergency room physician and Stanford lawyer Dr. Simone Gold — has been the brave international face of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as an astonishingly effective treatment for COVID-19. As far back as May 2020, Zelenko made news with claims that his three-drug cocktail protocol of the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine, used early on, in conjunction with zinc and azithromycin, is a highly effective treatment against COVID-19.
In early December, Zelenko’s peer-reviewed study, published in the medical journal Science Direct, demonstrated an 84% reduction in hospitalizations and deaths when low-dose HCQ is used in the first five days after coronavirus symptoms manifest. If these data are accurate, and HCQ is really that effective, it means an estimated 250,000 Americans may not have had to die from COVID-19 in the last eight months.

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko
Zelenko’s study joins at least 53 others from around the world that show high efficacy for HCQ as a COVID-19 treatment — information that has been suppressed by the mainstream media after the drug became highly politicized when President Trump touted it as a potential game-changer. The full-court press of media negativity against his claims about HCQ was highly effective, however, at peddling fears about a drug that has been safely used for more than 70 years as a treatment for malaria, lupus, and arthritis. Then international use of the drug went underground as a result, while breathless anticipation of the experimental COVID vaccine took center stage.
No matter that a group of medical professionals known as the Frontline Doctors, including Dr. Simone Gold, stood in front of the U.S. Supreme Court, risking their reputations to decry the misguided smear campaign against HCQ and recommending its use as a COVID-19 treatment based on a preponderance of science and a wealth of anecdotal data. No matter that Yale epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch wrote an editorial for Newsweek magazine back in July in which he stated:
“Tens of thousands of patients with COVID-19 are dying unnecessarily. Fortunately, the situation can be reversed easily and quickly. I am referring, of course, to the medication hydroxychloroquine. When this inexpensive oral medication is given very early in the course of illness, before the virus has had time to multiply beyond control, it has shown to be highly effective, especially when given in combination with the antibiotics azithromycin or doxycycline and the nutritional supplement zinc.”
No matter that one of the world’s most prestigious medical journals, The Lancet, had to retract a major study that purported adverse outcomes with HCQ use, when it was discovered that Surgisphere, the company that provided the study information from hospitals around the world, had furnished fraudulent data. No matter that Switzerland charted a sudden, dramatic spike in deaths after the use of hydroxychloroquine was suspended in August of this year. And no matter that a simple line graph shows nations that used HCQ consistently and early on in the pandemic have had far better COVID outcomes than those that have not.
Did it have to be like this?
Back in 2005, the NIH (National Institutes of Health) published a study in Virology Journal that called chloroquine (an earlier version of HCQ) a “potent inhibitor” of SARS CoV — a coronavirus ten times deadlier than COVID-19. The researchers stated authoritatively: “Chloroquine can effectively reduce the establishment of infection and spread of SARS-CoV.”
And yet — knowing full well how effective chloroquine was against that imposing coronavirus — serial reversalist Dr. Anthony Fauci failed to endorse hydroxychloroquine as a treatment against this far less dangerous coronavirus.
Here’s the choice: a 70-year-old drug with a proven safety profile, dozens of peer-reviewed scientific studies demonstrating its efficacy as a treatment against the SARS coronavirus, costs just $20 to administer, and has been quietly saving thousands and thousands of lives from COVID-19 all over the world for the last eight months.
Or: an experimental vaccine with just eight weeks of (and no long-term) safety trials, growing reports of adverse drug reactions, does not claim to stop virus transmission, will make us all asymptomatic carriers, will not help establish herd immunity, and will pad the pocketbooks of the billionaire class that has already seen a 30% gain in wealth in the first six months of the pandemic.
You decide.
Read more from Pennel Bird.