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Leftists Run Amok: HRC, Weinstein, Navvaro and More

Leftists Run Amok: HRC, Weinstein, Navvaro and More

Democrats were horrified this week as President Donald Trump ended subsidies to health insurance companies. Ponder, for a moment, the alternate universe we live in when Democrats are angered because a Republican scrapped a corporate welfare program. This would be like...
Climate Change: The Holy Grail For Leftists

Climate Change: The Holy Grail For Leftists

Climate change.  It is what we used to call weather.  But it continues to represent the holy grail of environmental and energy policy for leftists, just as abortion does for cultural policy. Those of us who grew up learning that science was about facts – essentially...
There’s No Way Around The Second Amendment

There’s No Way Around The Second Amendment

The debate about firearms and the Second Amendment surfaces with almost annoying regularity, these days. Democratic politicians and various left-wing celebrities and media pundits come up with all sorts of nonsense about guns. Most of them have, quite obviously, never...
Forget Economics – What about Feminism?

Forget Economics – What about Feminism?

Just when you thought social justice warriors on campus couldn’t get any more strange and obnoxious, students at a well-known Massachusetts university are now about to transform the economics curriculum to involve unrelated subjects. When you take Economics 101 in...