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A Nazi Olympic Symbol?

A Nazi Olympic Symbol?

Radical leftists have recently criticized the Norwegian Olympic ski team for wearing a sweater with the ancient Norse rune symbol Tyr (↑) on their sweaters because some neo-Nazi groups in recent times have appropriated the symbol for their movement. The producer of...
Satanic Politics – A Rose by Any Other Name

Satanic Politics – A Rose by Any Other Name

Most cultures have ancient stories about evil, and in most cases, the evil is personified, which turns out to be a powerful way to convey eternal wisdom accumulated through the ages. In Norse culture, he is known as Loke, whereas in the Judeo-Christian culture we know...
The Upshot from Davos

The Upshot from Davos

Editor’s Note: Here at Liberty Nation we take great pride in our intelligent and thoughtful readership. So, from time to time we like to publish their opinions and analysis on issues of the day. Enjoy! And please feel free to join the dialogue by sending us an article...