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Natl. Immigration Vetting: Left about to Go Crazy Again

by | Feb 6, 2018 | Immigration

It has become quite predictable. President Trump proposes a logical, reasonable solution to the nation’s immigration problems and the left locks and loads their verbal firepower for extreme, inane rhetoric. Such is the case today as the president proposes a National Vetting Center which will sift through the bevy of immigrants and visitors entering the U.S.

It makes so much common sense, does it not? Shouldn’t we know more about who is coming into our country and why? This really isn’t new if you give it a moment’s thought. What do you think we did at Ellis Island for years and years?

Frenzy and Froth

But the extreme left and their cohorts in the advocacy media aren’t capable of inserting two logical thoughts into their collective heads at the same time. No, no. Their job is to whip the huddled masses into a frenzy, call the president a racist and any other epithet they can think of and ignore the apparent logic of such a Center and the good it will do for the Republic.

Trump’s national security memorandum, according to various news sources, will be signed by the president today and order the Department of Homeland Security to get it up and rolling in the next half year. What’s more – the Vetting Center will share information across federal agencies so that they will talk to each other about an immigrant before signing off on his or her admission to the U.S.

During the 2016 election cycle, Trump repeatedly promised “extreme vetting,” and as we see now, it is a promise he intends to keep. Why? Because he hates immigrants? That doesn’t seem logical, does it? Could it be because we have a right to know who is entering America and for what purpose? Especially in light of the crime, gangs, and drugs that are rampant in the country, this makes so very much sense.

Common Sense Politics

But common sense is not the left’s strong suit. They’d rather distract, deter and bloviate on the unfairness of it all. Their goal: let anyone and everyone in the U.S.A. everywhere and all the time. Well, just how has that been working for us?

Lest anyone think the president isn’t ready for the leftist onslaught, the new order provides for the hue and cry by initiating a civil liberties panel and a board of governors to give oversight to the Vetting Center. So, if the left is locked and loaded, the president is ready to withstand their firepower.

The National Vetting Center will concentrate on visa applications from new immigrants but smartly will also take a look at those already in the U.S. who are facing deportation. Finally, we will have a sense of who is coming to America and for what purpose.

Ellis Island

Oh, the horror of it all!

A recent report by the state of Arizona shows, “Undocumented immigrants are at least 142% more likely to be convicted of a crime than other Arizonans. They also tend to commit more serious crimes and serve 10.5% longer sentences, more likely to be classified as dangerous, and 45% more likely to be gang members than U.S. citizens.” And that’s just Arizona. Can you fathom the numbers in California? You’ll likely have to gin up those figures yourself as the Golden State is so far gone in terms of leftism that they dare not print the facts.

It’s time for America to get real about immigration. It’s been a Holy mess for too long. Although conservatives tend not to approve of too much regarding government agencies and the like, this particular one is long overdue.

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