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Is Pelosi’s Run Finally Over?

Is Pelosi’s Run Finally Over?

Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is feeling the wrath of too many years in the public domain as she is stumping for the Democrats touting their newer, new deal. Recently, she entered the storied halls of Georgetown University with hopes to rally the fresh-faced,...
Rigging the Outcome – Democrats and Primaries

Rigging the Outcome – Democrats and Primaries

The bedrock of a democratic process is that the voters are given a choice; without this, modern democracies (and republics) are no better than dictatorships where a choice of one candidate only is allowed. We saw signs of this in the primary race between Hillary...
Congress Reacts to Syria Strike

Congress Reacts to Syria Strike

Reactions have been mixed since the Trump administration, along with France and the U.K., launched missile attacks against Syria, in response to the chemical attack in the city of Douma last week. The strike was aimed at precision targets allegedly used in the...
The Danger of the Pelosi Factor

The Danger of the Pelosi Factor

Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) may just be the Republican’s secret weapon in the mid-term elections, according to President Donald Trump. “She’s our secret weapon. I just hope they don’t change her,” Trump said during a recent speech. The House Minority Leader has upset a lot of...