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Death to Opioid Pushers?

Death to Opioid Pushers?

For an Audio Version of this article click here:  During a visit to New Hampshire this week, a state that Trump once referred to as “a drug-infested den,” during the 2016 campaign, the president rolled out his plan to combat the American opioid crisis.  The...
Report: Chris Matthews “Brazenly Sexist”

Report: Chris Matthews “Brazenly Sexist”

If it seems like the leftist media are drowning in accusations of sexual abuse and inappropriate conduct, it’s because they are. The latest “falling star” is MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, a firm “anti-Trumper” who has clung onto his flagging career by becoming a paid attack...
Draining the Swamp: Medicaid Fraud

Draining the Swamp: Medicaid Fraud

(Editor’s note: This is a continuing series by Liberty Nation about waste, fraud, and abuse that is rampant in our Republic. In the last installment, we uncovered the flagrant mishandling of $14M by the Omaha Tribe.) Merry Christmas Taxpayers! Did you know you are...