Seattle has written a textbook on how to turn a two-year-old into a tyrant. Unable to control its radical leftist contingent, the city and its fearful leaders have transformed a once grand and picturesque town into a playpen for toddlers in full tantrum mode. In just a few simple steps, the state and local leaders created a monster that has not only taken over the house but is now threatening the neighborhood as well. Seattle is learning a lesson as old as the Bible – you reap what you sow.
How did this happen, and what can be done to alter the destructive dynamic holding the city and its innocent residents captive?
I Want My Way
There is a pivotal moment in parenting when a toddler stomps his or her foot and defiantly looks up at Mommy with an “I want my way” attitude. The choice that Mommy makes – to permit or to hold fast – is crucial. Should a mother decide to let little Timmy have his way, she is bound to face more tantrums that will only grow with frequency and intensity. However, should she choose the other path – to stand firm – she regains her rightful authority and tamps down the rebellion. Seattle’s leadership has yet to understand this fundamental choice.
The permissive behavior of Seattle’s leaders has exacerbated the situation. The city is in chaos and turmoil. Its atmosphere has been poisoned, the streets disrupted, and now they have ceded control of their home and the children are in charge. This intolerable situation can be turned around by utilizing a few tried and true methods:
Number 1: Keep in Mind the Mind of a Child – The mind of a two-year-old is one without reason or logic. They want what they want, and they want it now. Left unchecked, a demanding child will turn from yelling and screaming to biting and kicking. The goal is to seek attention, and they do it negatively with violent and aggressive behaviors. Sound familiar? The parents – in this case, the Seattle authorities – need to understand they are not dealing with fully formed individuals who can think rationally. The radicals who have overtaken Seattle are derelicts driven by feeling and emotion and are subservient to one-step thinking. Once the mayor and governor understand who they are dealing with, they can progress toward point two.
Number 2: Set the Rules and Keep It Simple – A few basic rules would go a long way toward demanding obedience and gaining the upper hand in a situation run amok. Every child psychologist knows children crave boundaries. The purpose of teaching your child the meaning of “no” is so that when they run after the ball that has rolled into the street, a loud “No!” will stop them at the edge of the yard. This is, of course, for their own good. There must be rules with consequences attached to force a tantrum-prone two-year-old to listen and obey.
Number 3: Once the Limits are Set, Be Consistent – Don’t give in. This is the key to reigning in the madness and chaos that little children are wont to create. When a parent’s “no” becomes a “maybe” and then, in exasperation, a “yes” – all is lost. If the toddler believes that they need to repeat their demands and wear down the resolve of the parent, they will keep at it, ad infinitum. The only way to manage this type of behavior is to be unswerving. This constancy will be disturbing to the child at first, but once they comprehend that their repetitive demands will not be heeded, there is little room for them to maneuver.
Number 4: Remember Who Is in Charge – The buck stops with those in authority. Seattle’s leaders must recognize that they are in charge and act accordingly. They must also conclude that how they deal with the two-year-old carries consequences that will affect the lives of law-abiding citizens whom they swore to protect when taking the oath of office. Allowing your two-year-old to rule the roost isn’t just wrong; it’s dangerous to others who have no pony in the race.
Avoiding the Meltdown
The permissiveness of giving in to the demands of radicals who exhibit the behavior of two-year-olds has only encouraged and emboldened them to gain more ground. They have taken a world-class tantrum and now formed their own country of CHAZ. The leaders of CHAZ have collectively stomped their feet and have now published a list of demands. It is nothing short of mayhem and madness.
The only grown-up in the room thus far is the president, who tweeted, “Radical Left Governor @JayInslee and the Mayor of Seattle are being taunted and played at a level that our great Country has never seen before,” Trump tweeted. “Take back your city NOW. If you don’t do it, I will. This is not a game. These ugly Anarchists must be stooped [sic] IMMEDIATELY. MOVE FAST!”
Instead of listening to the president, Seattle’s mayor doubled down. Mayor Jenny Durkan responded to Mr. Trump with the following tweet, “Make us all safe. Go back to your bunker. #BlackLivesMatter.” Flaunting your ignorance is one thing, but refusing to listen and learn is lunacy. Unfortunately for the law-abiding citizens of Seattle, life in crazy town has become their reality.
But it doesn’t have to be. Another book is just waiting to be written by Seattle’s authorities. This one could be a blockbuster, if only they had the temerity to do what so obviously needs to be done by implementing these few simple steps. The question is: Do they have enough nerve to let the rules of good parenting be their guide?
Read more from Leesa K. Donner.