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Results for "Democrats"

FBI’s Most Wanted: A New Director

FBI’s Most Wanted: A New Director

That low-lying ground where water collects known as The Swamp is saturated in whispers and intrigue today as candidates for a new FBI Director line up for the job as America’s top cop. And every news outlet in and around Washington claims to have the inside scoop. Here’s the latest:

Healthcare’s Future in the Senate

Healthcare’s Future in the Senate

After being resuscitated by sheer willpower, the American Health Care Act of 2017 is breathing again. Thanks to what was undoubtedly a tremendous effort by President Trump, Speaker Ryan, and several others, the plan to repeal and replace Obamacare has passed the House and now heads to the Senate. Its future is uncertain – indeed, the only thing you can be sure of is that whatever comes out of the Senate will look different than what the House sent over.

The Freedom Caucus, Health Care and the US Senate

The Freedom Caucus, Health Care and the US Senate

In what could certainly be considered a symbolic victory for President Donald Trump, the second incarnation of the American Healthcare Act (AHCA) squeaked through a vote in the House of Representatives Thursday afternoon. Without a single Democrat vote, the bill was passed 217-213, with twenty Republicans voting against it. Although it may well not get through the Senate in its current form, a rift within the majority party has been bridged and that – in itself – is a victory for congressional Republicans who have seen so very few victories, of late.